Top 5 2020 Works

Nov 02, 2020 11:54

A bit of art, meta, fic, and icons :)

1) to be fair, I wasn't listening by double_dutchess. Fun set of Giles icons with quotes.

2) Riley in As You Were by thenewbuzzwuzz. The implications of one of Riley's lines in this episode that might shed a different light on his reactions.

3) Civilization by beer_good_foamy. What I particularly liked about this were the perspectives of the characters on the same location, both at first and over time. And, of course, their utter sense of certainty in their own superiority.

4) [Art] something divine or damned by angelandfaith (nowrunalong) Buffy/Faith/Spike fanart in "vaguely tarot-inspired poses with the idea of Faith and Spike being Buffy's connection to exploring the side of herself she rejects as 'dark'."

5) deepest secret nobody knows by rose_griffes. "Out to the ballgame. And a riverbank. And a cheap hotel." There's often a lot of poignancy to stories that re-imagine what Wes and Faith's relationship could have been had things gone quite differently. But this story presents a Faith not matured by remorse or consequences, and a Wes who still has to strain for her respect.

form: ficlet, char: riley, form: essay, char: the master, form: remix, pairing: threesome ffm, form: icons, char: giles, char: darla, fandom: btvs, form: fic, char: faith, char: buffy, pairing: faith/wes, char: spike, form: original artwork

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