Late 2018 Works, Post 2

Nov 01, 2019 18:13

Editable World Map of Spuffy Fic Recs by thenewbuzzwuzz who "mapped the settings of some Spuffy fic I have recced in the past. For example, "One Gazelle in All the World" by baphrosia takes place in the Serengeti, so I stuck a pin in Serengeti National Park and put the fic title and author in the description. So. Theoretically, one could use the ( Read more... )

pairing: xander/jesse, char: willow, form: ficlet, form: essay, fandom: btvs, pairing: buffy/spike, form: original artwork, form: group work, cat: episode-specific

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Comments 6

sparrow2000 November 2 2019, 00:31:19 UTC
All of these are amazing. I remember Que Sera Sera from last year, so thank you for reminding me of it, and for linking to all this other amazing stuff. The Spike/Buffy in the garden especially is Whoa... and the map is an amazing piece of work.


yourlibrarian November 2 2019, 01:04:55 UTC
It was such a clever idea and proof that there's always something new afoot :)


thenewbuzwuzz November 2 2019, 06:36:38 UTC
Nice list. \o/

Thank you for the shoutout! I'm so thrilled you recced the collaborative thing that gets better with sharing.


yourlibrarian November 2 2019, 14:17:44 UTC
It was such a cool idea!


elisi November 2 2019, 11:30:16 UTC
Just passing on a message from Kerk (who is having difficulties getting on LJ) to say thank you for the rec! <3


yourlibrarian November 2 2019, 14:19:05 UTC
Kerk's not alone, I've been having trouble with the site for days. But he's most welcome.


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