Late 2018 Works, Post 2

Nov 01, 2019 18:13

Editable World Map of Spuffy Fic Recs by thenewbuzzwuzz who "mapped the settings of some Spuffy fic I have recced in the past. For example, "One Gazelle in All the World" by baphrosia takes place in the Serengeti, so I stuck a pin in Serengeti National Park and put the fic title and author in the description. So. Theoretically, one could use the map to find fic recs based on setting." It's open to edits so you can both browse it and make the map grow!

Que Sera, Sera aka. Doris' Day by kerk_hiraeth. Short ficlet that reminds us how the Three Caballeros might well have gone in quite a different direction with many more paths branching out.

gaycember - day 1 - Willow Rosenberg by ant-agony. This struck me as such a contented Willow.

In the Flower Bed by iseetheyelloweyed, a Spuffy artwork set in a rather macabre garden.

And as we begin November:

10 Reasons Pangs is Great by spuffybot. Not only did I find the point about Willow and Angel's relationship interesting to consider, but it was also good to see this representation of what I suspect a lot of fans do, which is to rewatch certain holiday Buffy episodes as part of their traditions.

pairing: xander/jesse, char: willow, form: ficlet, form: essay, fandom: btvs, pairing: buffy/spike, form: original artwork, form: group work, cat: episode-specific

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