Flash Forward Weekend!

Nov 02, 2019 09:59

We've now moved into the final days of our session and are focusing on recs from 2019! To kick us off, here are some of mine:

No. 6 Buffy/Angel dots by electric_heart. I thought the style was snazzy!

Buffy to finish out 2016 by artofjph. I liked the sort of jagged look that suited Buffy's inner state.

P.O.T.D. by Twinkles. Painted Illyria and Fred. What I really liked about this was the way the artist captured Fred's smile so well.

No. 17 Faith in battle by pureimagination. I quite liked this close up of her, it really gets across action in a close up.

Daddy Angel by pureimagination. Not as many icons out there of Angel cradling a baby even though he did so quite a few times and there's so many kidfics out there!

char: illyria, fandom: btvs, char: fred, char: buffy, char: faith, fandom: ats, char: angel, form: original artwork, form: icons, pairing: buffy/angel

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