5 Random recs - just because...

Oct 27, 2019 15:22

There is no particular theme here, just five random recs from years gone by.

In Mine Eyes Dazzle by Victoria P (musesfool) Xander visits Angel after the events in Your Welcome. This is short, lovely and makes my heart ache in the best way.

This way to more goodies... )

char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, char: xander, cat: postseries, pairing: spike/harmony, cat: parenting, char: angel, char: dawn, char: spike, cat: gen

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Comments 9

petzipellepingo October 27 2019, 22:26:50 UTC
Nicely varied list, thanks for posting.


sparrow2000 October 27 2019, 23:05:52 UTC
Always glad to post here :)


yourlibrarian October 28 2019, 01:25:20 UTC
I must have read Expert Care before somewhere else, because there was something familiar about it, but just as well to re-read it :)

Mine Eyes Dazzle I might have read before as well, but it makes me glad that Glass Onion got moved to AO3. Such a good take on an event that ought to have happened. The title always makes me think of an Agatha Christie story though, where I first heard the quote rather than via the play :)


sparrow2000 October 30 2019, 17:02:23 UTC
Good fics are always worth a reread - just to be sure :)

It's great when archives get saved - there's so much good stuff out there that has disappeared unless someone has saved a personal copy. I agree, the events in Mine Eyes Dazzle would have been wonderful to have seen in canon, but that's what fic is for!


trepkos October 28 2019, 09:00:17 UTC
That Indri fic was lovely.


sparrow2000 October 30 2019, 16:59:20 UTC
Isn't it great :)


thenewbuzwuzz October 28 2019, 21:15:38 UTC
Okay, time for me to read "Umad Learns Sumerian" finally. :D Thanks for waving the flag!


thenewbuzwuzz October 29 2019, 10:24:06 UTC


sparrow2000 October 30 2019, 16:59:03 UTC
Bounces. So glad I could point you at a fic you hadn't read that gave you that reaction! :)


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