5 Random recs - just because...

Oct 27, 2019 15:22

There is no particular theme here, just five random recs from years gone by.

In Mine Eyes Dazzle by Victoria P (musesfool) Xander visits Angel after the events in Your Welcome. This is short, lovely and makes my heart ache in the best way.

Lies to Children by Gulessable is devastating. Giles has a daughter and contemplates a future that terrifies him. I just came across this recently and was blown away.

Shagging Harmony Kendall by Indri is Harmony and Spike. It’s a series of vignettes that gets inside both Harmony and Spike’s heads. It’s hot, and porny and kind of wistful, which is a lot to ask of such a short fic.

Umad Learns Sumerian by annakovsky is a classic, and since this is classic recs, it’s worth waving the flag for even although most folks have read it. Dawn wants to be useful and Sumerian is a good place to start. I love this look at mature, practical Dawn.

And finally, one of my favourite ever S/X authors - Te. Expert Care finds Xander dealing with a post-soul, seeing ghosts Spike. Great voices and characterisation and dialogue that just sparkles. The AO3 link is locked, so if you’re not a member you can also find it at Te’s website Teland.

char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, char: xander, cat: postseries, pairing: spike/harmony, cat: parenting, char: angel, char: dawn, char: spike, cat: gen

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