Five rarepairs from the Secret Slasha archive

Nov 01, 2017 08:14

Coming in under the wire for this one, so descriptions are going to be on the terse side.

1.  They Make Solitude and Call it Peace by Mosca. Buffy/Willow, PG-13 Lovely look at post-Chosen Buffy and Willow. Terrific dialogue between the two on matters both weighty and frivolous.

The rest after the cut )

cat: btvs s7, pairing: buffy/willow, pairing: amy/faith, form: ficlet, cat: travel fic, form: community, fandom: btvs, pairing: cordelia/tara, cat: postseries, cat: femslash, char: dawn, pairing: spike/wesley

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Comments 3

yourlibrarian November 1 2017, 15:27:26 UTC
Nice to highlight Secret Slasha as well!


double_dutchess November 2 2017, 23:36:46 UTC
Thanks! Most of these are a bit far outside my zone of interest, but I will definitely give the Spike/Wesley one a try!


ladycallie November 14 2017, 20:09:26 UTC
Great list, thank you!


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