Five rarepairs from the Secret Slasha archive

Nov 01, 2017 08:14

Coming in under the wire for this one, so descriptions are going to be on the terse side.

1.  They Make Solitude and Call it Peace by Mosca. Buffy/Willow, PG-13 Lovely look at post-Chosen Buffy and Willow. Terrific dialogue between the two on matters both weighty and frivolous.

2.  Moon Stung by Voleuse, Dawn/Kit, R. A poignant look at what might have been in Season 7.

3. Taking Five by Akadougal, Amy/Faith. Season 7, seriously snarky Amy and Faith voices.

4. All Over But the Shouting by Doyle. Spike/Wesley, R. A glimpse into a post-apocalyptic world in which Wes and Spike are the only survivors, and that's only half of what makes this fic so bleak.

5. An Atlas of the Beautiful World. by Croupier. Gorgeously lyrical Cordelia/Tara road trip fic.

cat: btvs s7, pairing: buffy/willow, pairing: amy/faith, form: ficlet, cat: travel fic, form: community, fandom: btvs, pairing: cordelia/tara, cat: postseries, cat: femslash, char: dawn, pairing: spike/wesley

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