Five from dependable comms

Jan 06, 2016 21:54

So the fandom isn't as active as it once was, but there are still communities keeping up the good work. Here are a few challenge responses I liked this year.

Unwrapping by brutti_ma_buoni. Spike has a rare birthday gift for Dru. She's very happy with it, especially as it's the last one. Spike/Dru.

Four more )

char: willow, cat: body changes, pairing: faith/dawn, form: ficlet, form: community, fandom: btvs, pairing: willow/nikki wood, char: vampires, cat: femslash, pairing: spike/drusilla

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Comments 18

the_moonmoth January 6 2016, 21:11:42 UTC
Whoop! Thanks for the rec :) I better go link up all the chapters...


beer_good_foamy January 7 2016, 20:56:45 UTC
You're more than welcome! And woah, there's more, I hadn't seen that. Off to read I go!


the_moonmoth January 7 2016, 21:07:34 UTC
It got a bit out of hand ;D In fact, I just wrote two new parts today (links go to tumblr since I haven't prettied them up for LJ yet)


beer_good_foamy January 7 2016, 21:37:49 UTC
Just read the whole thing in one go - loving it!


petzipellepingo January 6 2016, 21:12:30 UTC
More excellent choices, thanks so much for posting.


beer_good_foamy January 7 2016, 20:57:07 UTC
Only too happy to share!


yourlibrarian January 6 2016, 21:14:20 UTC
Thanks so much for remembering communities -- even though it's often familiar names each year, it's good to see life in them.


beer_good_foamy January 7 2016, 20:58:03 UTC
They're doing stellar work!


rebcake January 6 2016, 21:39:21 UTC
I am amazed at all the good stuff that's still coming out, and definitely think that the communities are key in keeping it going. I'm honored to be on this list and am going to reread the others, ASAP!


beer_good_foamy January 7 2016, 20:58:39 UTC
You deserve that and more! :)


snogged January 6 2016, 23:05:11 UTC
Excellent stuff.
Thanks for posting.


beer_good_foamy January 7 2016, 20:58:53 UTC
Thank you!


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