5 More Favorite Buffyverse Fanvids (Pt 2)

Jan 03, 2014 15:49

Alphabetically by vidders' names. I'm listing the music tracks here because even the most accomplished vidders often fail to do so.*

"Red" by Afterthebattle - (Buffy/Spike) Spike POV S5-7. "Losing her is blue like I've never known/ Missing her is dark grey all alone..."  Set to Tyler Ward's down-tempo 2012 cover of Taylor Swift's "Red" from his 3-song CD Covers From the Road.

[More goodies for your viewing pleasure...]"Light 'em Up" by Afterthebattle -  (btvs, gen) A "vidlet" that packs an incredible emotional wallop in just 1:23 minutes.  Set to Fall Out Boy's "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light 'em Up)".

"He's Not My Boyfriend [Humor]" by Afterthebattle - (Buffy/Spike, S4 -6) Reminder: Every once in a blue moon I actually do come across a funny fanvid in this 'verse I enjoy. It's not that I am all about the angst or I lack a sense of humor *ahem*; it's that drama is hard and tragedy is harder, but comedy is damn near impossible to get right. Song: "Hey Na Na" by Katie Herzig.

"O' Death" by Jana (Kayenaatic) - (Buffy) a "high lonesome" Buffy character study on par with  "Suburbia" by dualbunny , "Deeds That Have Made Me" and "Under Stars" by fray_adjacent12. The haunting title song by Jen Titus is perfect for Buffy but feels timeless: the slow beat of a funeral dirge. BTW - I didn't have to look up the song credits in this case because Jana listed them at the end of the video. Can we get a MAJOR ROUND OF APPLAUSE for this?

"Who Are You, Really?" by xxIrisHaloxx - (Faith, Buffy) Episodic of "Who Are You", one of my all-time favorite episodes. Focusing entirely on Faith in Buffy's body, the beginning has a fun, kicky feel with playful editing of the "making faces" scene in front of the bathroom mirror; and then slowly becomes something darker as Faith's growing discomfort within her stolen skin becomes unbearable. Title track by Mikky Eiko. (Credit goes to blackie_da_minx for rec'ing it on her LJ.)

* I looked them up on ITunes as needed. You're welcome.

fandom: btvs, form: vid, char: buffy, char: faith, pairing: buffy/spike, cat: ship vid, cat: character vid, cat: episode-specific

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