Time's Fool by Lady Jane at the
Bloodshedverse, or at
Elysian fields (may need to register to read at EF) Spike/ Buffy "eventually NC17" though it hasn't gotten there yet.
Future fic. Decades down the road Spike and Buffy meet up again for the first time since Sunnydale. Plotty goodness. A really interesting and believable future for Our Heroes. Great characterizations, and believable motivations. Also, the author gets the medical details right. I appreciate that! Warning: still a WIP
Proud Trophies Won in Foreign Fight by
spuffy_luvr at
AO3, at
Elysian Fields Spike/ Buffy, eventually NC17.
Instead of sending Buffy on to her well-deserved reward, Glory's portal spits Buffy out into Spike's evil past. Spike really is unredeemed here, and it's fairly graphic. Fascinating story idea and really unique take on the Time Travel trope. A WIP, but updated regularly.
Hey There, Blondie Bear by
gryfndor_godess Chapters One,
Four, &
Five Spike/Buffy PG13
Season 9 comics fic, set after Spike leaves for his own series. Buffy has second thoughts. Harmony helps. Really funny! Complete!
Turn and Face the Strain, by
quinara at
AO3, or on her
LJ. Spike/ Buffy unrated, maybe PG13?
Sequel to
The More Things Stay the Same, and
As Good as a Rest here season 6 Buffy goes to Wesley instead of Tara when she realizes Spike can hurt her. Also, she ends up working with Kate Locksley from AtS. A funny, angsty, and really well written season six re-do!
Dust, by
knifeedgefic at
Eysian Fields, at the
Bloodshedverse Spike/ Buffy NC17 WIP
Spike & Buffy in season 4, stranded in a world where everyone else has been trapped in a sleeping spell. Angsty.