Top Five Best New! Spuffy Authors of 2012

Jan 06, 2013 23:02

I apologize for another Spuffy post... (but it's pretty much the only fanfiction I tend to read).

You ever feel like you don't want to invest your time in any new authors, because you don't want to be disappointed?  Here are five authors new to Spuffy and the Buffyverse within the last year.  All are talented writers who know what grammar is and how to use it, are quite adept at a clever turn of phrase, can plot with the best of them, and keep our heroes and sidekicks the characters we know and love without any blatant character-bashing (not even Angel!).   These authors get bonus points for avoiding OverlyBitchy!Buffy/Saintly!Spike.

Bojangles can be found at Elysian Fields or (although only a few of her stories are located on  I'm not sure if she posts elsewhere.  'Never Stay With Spuffy' and its companion pieces may be amongst the funniest things you've ever read.  I actually hurt myself from laughing too hard.  She's also written an angsty type AH romance and a short AH high school romance.

PeaceHeather is on Elysian Fields and  (I also recommend her 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' story on if you're into that cartoon).  Peaceheather's favorite genre is hurt/comfort.  Her completed story, 'Distress Signals', features a wonderful Buffy and Xander friendship.  I will warn that Giles is the 'villain' of the piece, but only inasmuch as Buffy needed a reason to do what she does, and to provide some emotional turmoil.  It is very minor to the story, and will only bother the most devoted of Giles fans.  She has another long WIP and two lovely oneshots.

The Foxinator is at  They have but one short Spuffy story, 'Heartless', and an incredible one it is.  Whether or not you're a fan of Spuffy, this canon-compliant ficlet is worth a few minutes of your time.  (There is no Spuffy romance).  The Foxinator's also written other non-Spuffy oneshots set in the Buffyverse (but I have to admit I haven't read them).

Drizzlydaze writes for the fagends community, and the ashtray community (both Spuffy prompt sites).  Sadly, she's sticking to short pieces for now, but they're wonderful little ficlets, filled with humor, angst, romance and insight.  Her most recent piece is 'Five Times They Don't Make It (And One Time They Do)', located at the ashtray.  This is a direct link to her fagends pieces, some of which string together to form a longer WIP story.

Hour of the Wolf is the collaborative effort of Wolffan200 and 3Hours, and they post pretty much everywhere Spuffy fans congregate. Here are links to and ElysianFields, (since those are the sites I patronize most).  Just completed 'Spirits in the Woods' is a fun and gripping canon-compliant tale set in the summer between S3 and S4.

I hope you enjoy these new authors as much as I have.  They prove that the pull of the Buffyverse is still strong after all these years!

form: website, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: btvs, form: archive

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