Five Stories That Just Are That Good 2012

Jan 07, 2013 13:24

No overarching theme with these. I just thought they were all wonderful.

Ethan Rayne vs America by indri. Ethan's time with the Initiative. PG. Anything new by indri is a treat. This is just superb.

brutti_ma_buoni's letsgetitdone ficathon spawned some wonderful fics. Here are two of them.

The Tinder Box by oni_9. Spike/Drusilla, rating Mature. Drusilla gets glimpses of her family's future and decides she doesn't like what she sees. A wonderful, rich, strange fic, unlike anything else I've read in the fandom. Great sense of place too.

Abridgement by quinara. Dawn, PG. Several years after the dimensions tore, Dawn is figuring out her place in the world. I love post-apocalypse fics anyway, but this is a terrific example of the genre.

For femslash_minis's apocalypse round,

Cloudbusting by beer_good_foamy, Willow/Illyria PG. A different apocalypse and a pairing I'd never really considered. It works very well, though.

And finally, for seasonal_spuffy,

Ver Sacrum by brutti_ma_buoni. Spike/Buffy PG. There's a real person chess game in this fic, and if that doesn't send you scurrying to read it, I don't know what will.

char: initiative, char: ethan, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, form: fic, pairing: willow/illyria, cat: post-apocalyptic, cat: femslash, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: ats, pairing: spike/drusilla, char: dawn, cat: gen

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