
Apr 19, 2011 16:50

the other day i had a rather heated discussion with a friend about wes' behavior in the final episodes of AtS, i had another question i felt like asking here ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

cdaae April 19 2011, 14:31:30 UTC
Interesting question!

I think Wes knew he was on what was likely to be a suicide mission, and didn't much care whether he died; but that can be said for all of them, in a way. I don't think he saw it as suicidal so much as a sacrifice... or surrendering to fate, or something like that.

But is that just because, as you suggest, he didn't want to admit it? Hmm. Some people can go through deep depression without becoming suicidal. He doesn't seem suicidal to me - that is, there's nothing particularly in the writing or acting which suggest it. But that's partly based on having felt that way many times myself, and I just don't get that kind of feeling from Wes. He never seems to succumb to complete despair, he never seems to give up, and suicide is ultimately giving up on everything.

I think it's more like a soldier sent into a likely fatal situation. Soldiers risk death but aren't generally suicidal. But with Wesley, it's terribly hard to know, because he keeps that kind of thing so repressed. I'm not sure he'd know it himself.


slaymesoftly April 19 2011, 14:46:36 UTC
I don't think any of them really expected to survive, but Wes may have welcomed death when the others did not. Good observation!


a2zmom April 19 2011, 18:10:01 UTC
I think all of them were at at a point that if they died, they wouldn't have cared. Not exactly suicidal, but not exactly doing anything to prevent their own death.


menomegirl April 19 2011, 18:33:22 UTC
I think they all thought they were going to die, including Lindsey.

While I don't think he cared one way or the other, I really don't think Wesley was especially suicidal, not the way Buffy was at the end of Btvs S5.


artemis_ephesus April 19 2011, 23:28:53 UTC
(Aargh my computer crashed as I was writing this so now I have to write it again ( ... )


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