(no subject)

Apr 19, 2011 16:50

the other day i had a rather heated discussion with a friend about wes' behavior in the final episodes of AtS, i had another question i felt like asking here:

how many of you think that wes was suicidal in NFA? i think he was. one just does not go to attack a major wizard, and one as dangerous and knowledgeable about magic as vail, with a swiss army knife and a couple small fireballs that are not even capable of doing any significant damage. it was certain that he would be killed. the only two explanations i could think of are that a) he did not realize how reckless/careless he was, due to an unconscious desire to die, or b) he knew and went on his mission armed this way on purpose, hoping to commit (assisted) suicide. and he succeeded.

he had been clinically depressed (or worse) from "shells" onwards and i felt he had lost his desire to live once fred was consumed by illyria. i know he did tell illyria in NFA that he was not intending to die that night, but, to be honest, it was hard to believe him. all the other cues pointed at the very opposite. he may have said this because telling the truth, to him, would have amounted to admitting that illyria had defeated him. if he admitted that he was willing to die, it would mean that she had broken him by killing fred (and if he revealed that he did long for the "lie" she had offered him, it would indicate that he depended on her, on the fact that she wore fred's body and was able to assume fred's form at will, that she exerted control over him). i don't think he would have wanted to cave in like this - not until he found himself dying in illyria's arms.

what do you think?
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