When Heroes Go Down (They Go Down Fast) 7/12

Jun 26, 2007 19:15

Title: When Heroes Go Down (They Go Down Fast) 7/12
Author: buffyaddict13
Rating: a strong R for language and a lot of violence. some of it's fairly gory. sorry folks. the end of the world isn't a shiny happy place. 
Characters/Pairings: sam, dean, andy, OCs. Gen.
Summary: The war is at hand. it’s demon against man and we’re losing the fight. the ( Read more... )

when heroes go down, supernatural fanfiction

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Comments 39

estei June 27 2007, 01:23:53 UTC
Holy bajoley, thank god for refreshing one last time before bed.

"You’re a good boy," Craig says softly, "I can see it. You and your brother, both."

I just... I love that. I love it more than I love cake. I love it more than I love ponies. I even love it more than I love things that are sparkly. Seriously.

Good. I’m running out of water and-" The words spiral out of his head. Instead, there’s nothing but a flash of white, then a few sparks of color. The colors kaleidoscope into a vision of a small encampment. Your writing is so VISUAL and completely evocative. Some stuff I read is pretty, or it sounds cool, but your writing always makes me feel, and it's not always a happy feeling but it's always something, some visceral reaction.


buffyaddict13 June 27 2007, 17:53:58 UTC
hi sweetie!

Your writing is so VISUAL and completely evocative. Some stuff I read is pretty, or it sounds cool, but your writing always makes me feel, and it's not always a happy feeling but it's always something, some visceral reaction.

oh! thank you. what a wonderful compliment. and as long as my writing doesn't make you want to throw up, we both win! that would be a little too visceral. :D

thank you for sticking with this story. you are smooch-worthy!


tabaqui June 27 2007, 06:24:07 UTC
Ah, nice.
Sam's dream or vision...yes! Stop being so defeated, Sam! I agree with the Professor - your destiny is not only not set in stone but it's not played out yet!

And i love the nail polish. It *works*, it's just right.


buffyaddict13 June 27 2007, 17:55:08 UTC
whoo! hooray for sam!

i'm glad you liked the nail polish part. i was afraid it was too schmoopy. *relieved*

*paints your fingernails*


tabaqui June 27 2007, 18:53:36 UTC
Oh, no, not schmoopy at all.
I *have* no fingernails. I habitually cut them down short 'cause they're weak and bendy and that feels gross, plus also - hard to type with long nails, it makes my nailbed sore. So - no nails! Heh.


buffyaddict13 June 27 2007, 19:50:07 UTC
hey, i thought I was the only one with weak and bendy nails. whoo! i'm not alone!

AND how DO people type with long fingernails? *confuzzled*


curtainpull June 27 2007, 08:30:03 UTC
Aw yay, you updates! Such god imagery in this, I am haunted by the nail painting bit, all dark and solemn,
and Sam thinks Izzy would laugh at them, but her laughter would hide a secret delight. Sam looks up at the sky, searching for the stars, but they’re in hiding. He pictures them with heads bowed, their light put away out of respect for the dead.

I'm so glad Sam is sortof stumbling towards healing, go Craig! I'm not religious AT ALL, but ithe story of Saul is an awesome one.

In less serious news: I’m gonna help and look pretty. I’m awesome that way

Yay! Yes Dean, you are : )


buffyaddict13 June 27 2007, 17:57:19 UTC
I'm so glad Sam is sortof stumbling towards healing, go Craig!

*pets sammy* it's about time he had a little bit of a break.

I'm not religious AT ALL, but ithe story of Saul is an awesome one.

i'm glad you think so. i was afraid the religious bit would turn people off, but i think it's a good story and something that sam needed to hear. also, it gave craig some nice development.

In less serious news: I’m gonna help and look pretty. I’m awesome that way
Yay! Yes Dean, you are : )

hee. you know that's how dean feels.

thank you so much for the sparkly feedback my dear. *mwah*


jude_91 June 27 2007, 10:24:10 UTC
*does a happy dance* I love this so frigging much. Hope to see more of this soon!


buffyaddict13 June 27 2007, 17:58:53 UTC
*dances with you*

i'm glad you love it! i love you for loving it! SO MUCH LOVE?

you know what else is lovable? your icon. i couldn't say no to him. i'm just sayin.



jude_91 June 28 2007, 09:19:18 UTC
Don't worry, no one can. ;)


tiffosis June 27 2007, 17:35:05 UTC

*bites knuckles*

I looove this story and want to read this chapter sooo bad, but will have to wait unitl I get home. If I just didn't need this damn job so much......


buffyaddict13 June 27 2007, 17:59:30 UTC

*sends time bending vibes to make your day go faster*

did it work?


tiffosis June 27 2007, 19:03:45 UTC
Yes!!! They did, thank you!

Found out I have meeting to go to for the rest of the day, so it will fast forward my afternoon (meaning I'll be distracted...)



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