story event: Rescue Tamsin

Nov 11, 2009 01:50

Who: (NPC) Tamsin, OPEN
What: The young and inexperienced Tamsin received an unexpected promotion during her last briefing. She has been sent into the Void to act as a liaison between the unexpected residents and her employers. Unfortunately, she wasn't paying attention at all during said briefing, and has no idea what she's here for. Can you help ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

withoutright November 11 2009, 06:06:02 UTC
Roxas wasn't exactly sure what he was doing -- he'd never staged a rescue or retrieval mission before, and it wasn't like he even knew much of the situation here -- but he hoped that he was doing it well enough. He'd opened a portal into the laboratories as soon as he'd finished on the BBS, and he was wandering around as best he could, poking his head into every open room and banging the doors of the closed rooms with Oathkeeper.

He had no idea what to think of the person he'd spoken to over the terminal -- "Tamsin", they'd said? -- but he had, in the end, decided to have his Keyblade at hand in case they turned out to be dangerous. As far as he could tell, it was someone who had been left behind after the scientist's investigations, but he couldn't be too sure. He'd always been told he was too naive, after all.

And so, he continued on his way, kind of hoping that none of it would turn out to be too complicated.


holy_hammer November 11 2009, 12:45:41 UTC
Rabi had missed the initial discussion, but he had looked back on the board a bit later and had seen what had happened. So when he saw people heading towards the laboratories, he figured that's what they were up to. And, well, Rabi just wasn't one to miss an opportunity to rescue a lady.

Unlike Roxas, though, Rabi had to go there by foot. So he was horribly late, and he figured that everyone was already in there, searching for this girl. Well, he would have to find everyone else too. Luckily Rabi's eidetic memory would come in handy here. While this place was a maze, it wasn't too difficult to keep track of where he had already been. So, as he walked, he called out, "Heeeey! Is anyone down here?"


whitenightking November 11 2009, 23:37:03 UTC
Soma was hanging upside down from the nearest perch he could find. The lone bat in a world full of Zubats of all things. He groomed his wing while thinking about this situation before he saw Roxas, so he dropped from his perch and began winging it after the teen.

How the hell did he get his hair 'that' spiky considering their living conditions?


expositoryesper November 14 2009, 00:37:28 UTC
Something about this seemed off. Perhaps it was the simple fact that she failed to arrive at the same place as others...then again, so did Genis and he somehow remained. (A new precedent?) And she did seem to be in genuine distress...what was her name, again? Ah, yes, Tamsin.

And all information was worth having. So that in mind, he entered the laboratory like most everyone else, calling out (after a moment's hesitation), "Hello?"


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