It's Gonna Be May

May 08, 2008 23:39

Today is my day for the May challenge! I was gonna post some of the five billion ficlet requests that I have stored up, but unexpectedly I ended up being out of the house for 12 hours today, so that didn't happen.

So, instead, I've got a snippet from the next chapter of Fifteen Miles that I've been working on. Probably not the most exciting stuff in the world, but it's written from the heart. :)

AJ had a knack for getting stuck in ruts. For example, every morning for the past two years his first thought had been, these walls are too thin. The cars and constant commotion outside was actually fine. AJ was used to that. But the sounds of an apartment with four other people in it coming to life, with creaking beds and coffee brewing and the shower being turned on - AJ had never been able to sleep past that. Digging his head under a pillow didn't work, so most of the time AJ gave up early. It was better than spending an extra two hours lying there and wishing death on the whole world.

He padded into the kitchen, yawning and scratching his stomach, to find Howie pouring tea into his got two nipples for a dime? mug. AJ had gotten that for him one Christmas when he'd had no money and just wanted to laugh the whole miserable situation off. Howie had rolled his eyes and had been using it ever since.

"Figures it was you," AJ mumbled, heading blearily towards the coffee pot that had already been filled.

Howie raised both hands in the air. "I tip-toed my way into this kitchen, swear to God."

"I know." AJ reached over Howie to retrieve a mug from the cupboard, pecking Howie's cheek sleepily on the way. "Wasn't you. That damn Amazon in the room next to mine insists on kicking the wall whenever he turns in his sleep."

Howie took another sip and shrugged. "You could always ask him to move his bed away from the wall, you know. Or we can still switch rooms if you want. I don't hear half the stuff you do."

AJ snorted. "You wouldn't hear it if the building collapsed around you." He poured the coffee and grabbed one of the stray sugar packs scattered on the kitchen table. "S'fine. I was supposed to be up anyway."

"Work?" Howie asked.

"Morning shift at Casa del Yawn," AJ replied with mock cheer. He pulled out a chair, careful not to pick the one that wobbled, and lifted his mug. The scent of coffee wafted under his nose and already he was feeling more alert. "If I'm really lucky we'll actually get customers today."

They both turned when a door creaked open and Kevin stumbled out of his room. He grunted in their direction, the most eloquent he could be at this hour, and steered directly for the bathroom. It was pretty miraculous what a shower and some morning yoga could do to that guy; trying to talk to him before that was like striking up conversation with a zombie. AJ smirked and shook his head.

"Hey, hey," Howie said when AJ reached for the cigarette pack he'd left on the table last night. "You know what to do."

AJ rolled his eyes, but headed for the lone window anyway. It was big enough that he could sit comfortably on the window sill with his legs stretched out, and he grabbed the lighter he always kept there before cracking the window open.


fic: fifteen miles, fic: !index

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