Hey there, minna-san! How are you? Good? I hope so...
First, a vid I uploaded the other day!
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This performance is by Tanaka Hideyuki (Clavis), Tobita Nobuo (Lumiale), Iwanaga Tetsuya (Sei-Lan) and Touma Yumi (Mel), and it's from Angelique. The live performance is from the event Ange Party. I got the DVD myself, and want to spread some love for Tobita
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Comments 8
Dads are funny sometimes... Mine can be pretty closemouthed himself; other times, he's all Chatty Cathy. Especially if yours is older, they tend to keep themselves to themselves, both because that's just how they were raised (my dad's side of the family has that notorious German streak in 'em, so needless to say, coming clean about things is like pulling teeth from cement - and I can be the same way!) and because as the 'man' of the family, they believe it's their job to keep a straight face and stay strong for everybody.
Hopefully things will prove to be all right with him...I know the excessive worrying feeling myself; I'm prone to freaking out at the first perceived sign of Bad Things. I've probably shot my cortisol levels all to hell over the years with the amount of Worrying I've done over various things, but, well...what can you do? It's not something that one can so easily turn off/on, you know?
*sighs* Dad can be very tight-lipped about anything. Even when we pressed him for info about his holiday last year, he was pretty quiet. (Though, he was very motormouth-y when it came to his holiday in Thailand)
Well, he's at work again, and he looked fine when I saw him last night. Here's hoping that continues... And you're right. It's very hard to keep from worrying...sometimes I wish there was an on/off switch just because of how easily worried I am about those close to me (you and everyone else OL too!)
AWESOME SAUCE! I still remember the horribly butchered English dubbed Cardcaptors. *shivers* I actually watched most of the episodes just to see how bad it really was. Was that ever aired in your country?
This is the man who refused to get me anything of anime at least three years ago because he believed it to be childish.
Okay, I dare you to show him anime that ISN'T childish. And no, I don't mean hentai! Or maybe that would just give him the wrong impression. XP
I should re-watch 'Party of One', but I think I felt worse for Pinkie in 'Baby Cakes'. Just seeing her cry real tears was painful.
Yeah, we got it over here too! I saw it when I was in high school. I didn't even know how bad the series was until I read more about it and comparisons... Hmm...at least the dub version of "Purachina"/"Platinum" wasn't too bad...
A few years ago, I showed him Saiyuki Requiem, the motion picture of the Saiyuki series. His comments made me crack-up, especially when he called a dragon a bird. Dad has even come to my defence about anime at times, finally got Pa to change his mind.
Yes! I can't believe I forgot about that! Poor Pinkie was pushed right over the edge at that moment! It made me smile when the twins realised they'd pushed her too far and tried cheering her up with the bag of flour.
YES! That made me melt into a little puddle of goo.
I don't blame you for worry about your father after what happend to your mother in the past and even though you and your brother are adults and can handle things better then when you were kids some people just can't change how they feel since the past no matter how hard they try it's just not that easy.
However as long as you guys stick strongly together I'm sure you guys will pull through the hardest of times even if it seems all hope is lost it is best to never give up.
Ever since Jason and I were little kids, we'd been worried about losing Dad the same way. Hearing what we had from Uncle Greg the other night made it feel all the more real. Thankfully, he's clear of cancer.
We will! Definitely!
That is a relief that he's clear ^^
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