Yes, the ~thrilling~ conclusion to this book! Though I'm sure you've all figured it out by now. It was easier to solve than a Cam Jansen mystery
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I was already loving the trough/blizzard thing, but the Cool Mom thing just finished it.
Re fried bologna: I just wikied bologna and it looks similar to, if not the same thing as, luncheon sausage, which my siblings and I have eaten fried since we were kids. So fried bologna isn't really all that strange to me. It's good! :D
Please. When an older sibling is in charge, that means shit (I'm the oldest in my family, I know).
+1,000,000. And thanks to these books I thought it was just me.
Well, you entered the barn to get down here, and that's on Dawn's property. Doesn't that make what you're already doing trespassing?
THANK you. The thought of finding, say, one of my students in there creeps me right out, even if they're not in the actual house. (Though I realise that "privacy" is a dirty word in the Cult.)
My Charlie/Janine theory still holds true.Yay! That would have made a much more amusing ending
( ... )
I missed the bologna part! Fried bologna was one of my favorite snacks when I ate meat! I used to melt American cheese on top... Oh man, I should have had a heart attack when I was, like, twelve.
The thought of finding, say, one of my students in there creeps me right out, even if they're not in the actual house.
Agreed. When I was teaching abroad two of my pupils showed up at my front door and I was a bit unsettled by it. They were about Nicky Pike's age, but still...
[T]he triplets harass Nicky, including telling him to point to his head and say Mark Twain's initials. Ok, I admit, this book made me do that to my sister.
I tried to do that to my older brother, but he saw straight through it and said "SC" instead (the author's real initials). It's sad to think that I got PWNED before the term even existed.
Comments 26
I say you should do Kristy's Big Day!
Re fried bologna: I just wikied bologna and it looks similar to, if not the same thing as, luncheon sausage, which my siblings and I have eaten fried since we were kids. So fried bologna isn't really all that strange to me. It's good! :D
Please. When an older sibling is in charge, that means shit (I'm the oldest in my family, I know).
+1,000,000. And thanks to these books I thought it was just me.
Well, you entered the barn to get down here, and that's on Dawn's property. Doesn't that make what you're already doing trespassing?
THANK you. The thought of finding, say, one of my students in there creeps me right out, even if they're not in the actual house. (Though I realise that "privacy" is a dirty word in the Cult.)
My Charlie/Janine theory still holds true.Yay! That would have made a much more amusing ending ( ... )
Agreed. When I was teaching abroad two of my pupils showed up at my front door and I was a bit unsettled by it. They were about Nicky Pike's age, but still...
I tried to do that to my older brother, but he saw straight through it and said "SC" instead (the author's real initials). It's sad to think that I got PWNED before the term even existed.
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