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[okay so here I tried to embed a clip of Vincent Price laughing but after trying six different embed codes, two computers, countless reloads, rich text and HTML, two computer crashes and five WIFI failures and literally crying over my attempts to post a snark, I realized I maybe needed to examine my life and my choices. So
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Comments 7
LOL, I’m flashing back to one of the first BSC crackfics I ever read, where Logan had knocked up everyone of the sitters. --Do you still have the link to that fic? I would love to read that one because it sounds absolutely crazy and hilarious.
I think the "Logan is a playa" fic might have been this one; it's more like a drabble, but it was pretty soon after I'd even heard of this thing called fanfiction and BSC fanfic blew my tiny mind.
Thanks for the link. :)
I am so, so glad that I am not the only person who has read this fanfic. I feel much better about myself as a person.
Just another signifier of me overthinking what is being implied about Lionel in this book.
I agree with this so hard. Even as a middle-schooler reading this book, I thought there were certain undertones to Lionel, and now with high school and university theatre-class experience, I DEFINITELY see the implications. We're just lucky that Lionel's one personality trait wasn't raiding Claudia's clothes while she was sleeping and insisting on being called Lola.
I just have to shake me head at every shenanigan in this book.
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