I don't know why I decided to do this book. I'm ready to punch myself in the face.
part one:
http://bsc-snark.livejournal.com/303784.html I'm kind of going all over the place with these chapters, based on how much Dawn I can handle in one sitting.
dawn is a judgey little kid )
Comments 20
Also, wow, okay, Dawn is a giant brat. I get that this is supposed to be all, "This is how I came to be how I am!"
(which for Dawn that means, "I became a different kind of brat who is like most others in that once I switch my viewpoint I become unbearable to be around and constantly bitch about the stuff I used to do/eat before without a hint of irony") but ugh. She was a huuuuuuuuuuge brat to Sunny and is a Judgey McJudgerson. Who taught her to be that way anyway?
I would think the writers would try to work againstmaking their readers want to punt a small child into traffic. Between her and Karen I never thought I would despise little girls so much.
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