Well, sadly I fell out of my manic mood and was having trouble getting motivated to work on this snark. That's the joy of being a manic depressive! But I was feeling a little better despite the fact that it's already getting into the 80s. But, fingers crossed, this will be my last summer here before I move to the ever lovely Seattle! Squeeee! It was talking to my bestie about my move that pulled my mood up. So, if I feel down again I'll just think about the fact that I can buy an umbrella and heavy leggings and it'll cheer me up! Well, let's get to the next part of this travesty! Let's go!
Part 1! -Song of the Day!- Chapter 6!
Mary Anne's notebook entry has a nice dig at K Ron by saying she got the idea to take the Perfects Perkins to the Mancusis because she read about it in the notebook. If I was a BSC member I'd put all kinds of insults to K Ron to make sure she's reading the notebook. Anyhoo, Mary Anne takes the Perkins girls over to the Mancusis to bother the animals. Jessi shows them the animals and Mary Anne disappears. They hear her screaming and go running to find her. Showing why you don't invite a bunch of randos to other people's houses, Mary Anne took the lid off Barney's cage to 'get a closer look', heard Frank talking and walked away. Mary Anne wanted a closer look at the snake? I know I ask this like every book, but why does Ann not know her own characters?! Mary Anne wouldn't do this! I'm surprised she'd even be within a twenty foot radius of Barney. And the fact that she writes in the notebook that this was the most frightening, disgusting thing to ever happen just makes it all the more stupid. Learn to write, Ann!
Jessi and Mary Anne panic and the Perkins girls are like 'Oi, these guys here'. It really says a lot about the BSC's maturity when the tiny girls are more level headed about the whole situation. Jessi actually says she's more afraid of finding him than telling the Mancusis she lost their pet. Even as a kid, I thought she was being a huge baby. He's, at most, a damned garter snake not a fucking anaconda! Myriah suddenly remembers a lesson from school that snakes are cold blooded so he probably went somewhere to warm up. They find him napping on the back porch and Mary Anne captures him under an empty aquarium. I'm pretty sure they could have asked Myriah or Gabby and they would have just picked him up. They get him back in his cage and that's why you don't turn your clients house into a damned zoo.
Chapter 7!
On Wednesday, Jessi actually shows up early at the meeting. She notices Claudia seems glum so she compliments her shirt and we get an outfit-'an oversized, short-sleeved cotton shirt with gigantic leaves printed all over it, green leggings-the same green as the leaves on her shirt-bright yellow push-down socks, her purple high-tops, and in her hair a headband with a gigantic purple bow attached to one side.' Bright yellow with purple and green? She sounds like Mr Munch. Although knowing Claudia, that might be on purpose.
'On an animatronic it would be frightening, but on Claudia it looked great!'
Jessi takes her seat on the floor saying that she could sit on the bed, but as a junior member, her place is on the floor. That's pretty sad. Dawn comes in all chipper and says she's being positive to give off good vibes because she's a damned hippie. Also I don't believe for a second Dawn knows how to be positive. Or that she gives off any vibes other than Biggest Bitch in the Universe. Speaking of big bitches, K Ron comes in and tack her checklist over a bunch of pictures of Claudia with Stacey. She's super proud of herself and says the checklist took her forever which makes me think how stupid she is because, it's a checklist. I've made similar ones for Pokemon and Chao raising and they took like two minutes. And they say Claudia is the idiot of the club.
Claudia is like 'Oh, bitch, no you don't!' and takes down the list. And she doesn't even say what bullshit the list is, just that she needs to find another place for it. Jessi, being the other idiot of the club, thinks Claudia is overreacting. Uh, no, she isn't. It's her fucking room and her fucking bulletin board not fucking K Ron's. Kristy needs to show how big her dick is so she puts the list back over the pictures. Claudia takes it down again and K Ron puts it back up. She tears it down again and this time it rips. K Ron shrieks and Claudia finally tells her she doesn't want that shit on her things. Mimi calls up to make sure everything is okay and Claudia says it is when she should have said to kick K Ron out of her house.
Claudia tells K Ron she's not the boss of the club and everyone is shocked. Jessi continues to be a Goddamn enabler by saying K Ron didn't mean to be bossy she was just excited. Spoken like a true abuse victim. K Ron absolutely wanted to be bossy. Claudia didn't say she can't put the list up at all. She said she can't put it over her pictures of her and her best friend that moved away. K Ron decided being told not to do something was an insult and fucking instigated a fight. This is all about K Ron showing that she thinks she rules over the BSC like some kind of mad God. Claudia was being perfectly reasonable. K Ron escalated it into a fight because no one's allowed to tell her what to do, but everyone must listen to her.
Send that bitch to the boo box
K Ron says she is president and Claudia says then it's time for new elections. K Ron, Jessi and Mal all gasp and Mary Anne is like, 'Yeah, this is something we need to do.' Mallory, showing that she knows how to mom a bunch of fucking babies, tells everyone to sit and calm down, this is still a meeting and people will be calling. Someone does call and after they book that job K Ron says she'll consider new elections. The olda girls are like, bullshit, elections are our right and we demand them. K Ron turns on Jessi and Mal, trying to get them on her side but they just stammer and repeat questions. K Ron grows impatient and says, fine! They'll have new elections. Claudia is like, 'Good! Let's do it it now because I'm in a Brutus mood!' K Ron is like, no we'll hold a special meeting on Saturday for it. The meeting adjourns and Mal and Jessi walk together saying they have a bad feeling about this.
Chapter 8!
On Thursday, Mal comes over to see Jessi at the Mancusis to discuss the election. She also brought along Becca to see the animals. Yeah, still not okay with that. I'm also not okay with Jessi letting Becca hold the dogs' leashes while she locks the door. Like three dogs can't yank an 8 year old girl into the street. Hell, it's not like they couldn't do that to an 11 year old. One's a great Dane. And that's exactly what happens. Pooh Bear spots a cat and chases it and the others follow her, yanking Jessi down the sidewalk. Does Ann...does Ann not know how young 11 is? Why does she think it's acceptable for them to have any responsibility other than like, cleaning their room and running the dishwasher? They really shouldn't be in charge of children or other people's pets. Especially rowdy dogs. Big rowdy dogs. Like, I grew up with two German shepherds and I would never think of taking them for a walk at 11. And not just because I lived in a bad neighborhood. One of them was built like a tank. Hell, I wouldn't have walked our Rottie at 17. Big dogs are Hella strong and shouldn't be in the hands of children.
They return from their walk and Jessi lets Becca feed some of the animals.
Now I'm not saying Becca is irresponsible, I fed our animals at that age, but Jessi should really handle her own responsibilities. Mal brings up the elections and Jessi asks if they really need to talk about it. Mal is like, uh, yeah, dumbass, Jessi says if they don't take sides they might be asked to quit the club. Which sounds like unreasonable panic talk but let's be serious. You never know with K Ron. They ask each other how they'll vote and they can't come up with anything and think that however they vote, they'll be found out and shunned. They worry the club may just break up which I wouldn't put past K Ron. 'You don't want me bossing you around?! Then you're all fired! I'll find reliable minions!' They reach no satisfying conclusion and Jessi worries more over the fat hamster. She sure hopes he's okay.
Chapter 9!
I really can't think of anything more torturous at the moment than a chapter about K Ron sitting for Jackie. All that happens is K Ron is a bossy can of marinated assholes to Jackie and he calls her out on it. I've posted this before in response to K Ron's bitchiness but I think it's a good reminder now and then.
Chapter 10!
Time for the Friday BSC meeting and Jessi calls Mal to ask if she wants to walk to the meeting with her. Mal asks her if she's scared too and Jessi says she loves that about Mal. That she doesn't shame her for being afraid of something and includes herself as one of the ones who's afraid. Gee, that makes you look like a bitch, Jessi. Right
the1812overture? They get to the meeting and the olda girls are ready for a funeral. Jessi has the super healthy thought that K Ron-'our president, our queen'-is as uncomfortable as the rest of them. Now, I would pray she meant that sarcastically but I know the BSC and how they think of their All Glorious Leader.
The meeting draws to and end and K Ron brings up the elections and how they'll be run. The olda girls are like, 'Really bitch?' and K Ron asks what their deal is. They tell her she just went and decided how everything would be done without getting any input from the rest of them. And K Ron is a total sandy vagina, rolling her eyes and being sarcastic. This is why she should have been overthrown. She clearly doesn't care about them or their feelings or what they have to say. The thought to include them in any decision making never crossed her mind. She sees them as less than her, plain and simple.
Dawn calls her out on this saying she never thinks about other people. Kristy, being the biggest, most egomaniacal idiot bitch in the world, asks what about that time Claudia broke her leg and almost quit?! 'Why it was I, K Ron the Undeniable, who convinced her to stay!' Yeah, let's talk about that time, K Ron! Does it a) make you look like you were concerned for your friends well-being? Or b) make you look like a wee fucking despot who was panicking her obsession was in danger? Or c) seem like you only cared about Claudia being well enough to serve you? C'mon, K Ron! This is easy! Even your dumbass should get this one! No one calls her out on this because they all have memory repression and the meeting breaks up.