Blah blah, woof woof.

Jul 24, 2006 13:05

First of all, only two days left to sign up for our Friendship Ficathon! Come play, it'll be fun!

I am highly amused by all the sudden Dark Angel squee going around on my flist. I am now less ashamed to admit that that was the fandom that dragged me on to the internets and introduced me to message boards and spoilers and fic (not to mention thesocialnorm). ( Read more... )

friendship ficathon, personal, misc tv

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Comments 26

danceswithwords July 24 2006, 20:49:58 UTC
I have some Dark Angel on my TiVO, but I somehow managed to not to get the first four episodes, so I haven't watched any of them. Hm. I am LOVING Dead Like Me, though. It bears more than a passing resemblance to Wonderfalls.

I'm really glad the reunion went so well. (Although 106! Holy moley!)


brynnmck July 24 2006, 22:07:47 UTC
Well, the first few episodes of DA aren't their best, as I recall, but I can't remember if you'll be missing anything vital, since I'm sure you can get an idea of the setup pretty easily. Or you can always just rent it, if you decide you feel like making that much effort. :) I am excited about DLM, though--I haven't been recording it because SDW has the DVDs and has promised to loan them to me at some point. It sounds very cool, and the Wonderfalls association just makes me want to see it that much more. :)

And thank you! I'm relieved the reunion wasn't hideous. And it's drier over on that side of the state, but not nearly enough to make 106 comfortable. Ugh.


pathstotread July 24 2006, 22:23:19 UTC
I watched the first six episodes on Youtube, so that might be an option if you're interested. Here is the link to the pilot.


danceswithwords July 25 2006, 02:38:29 UTC
Thanks! I hope to have the time to check it out soon.


pathstotread July 24 2006, 21:33:55 UTC
In any case, it's kind of fun to see people getting excited about my first real fandom.

Hee, that's how I feel whenever I see one of my friends getting into Alias. I'm like "aww! Baby's first fandom!"

Dark Angel has totally sucked me in. Not ashamed to admit it (or the fact that it's mostly due to Max/Logan. What can I say, I'm a shipper girl.)


brynnmck July 24 2006, 22:11:49 UTC
Oh, I was all about Max/Logan, too. They had some crazy hot chemistry. (That was when I first discovered spoilers, trying to find out if they were EVER GOING TO MAKE OUT OMG. Hee.) And I actually liked the concept, too, and still have a weird fondness for Jessica Alba, even though I think she peaked (acting-wise) in the first season with... whatever the episode with Ben was. I thought she was actually very good in that. In S2, she just looks tired and unhappy and it made me sad.


pathstotread July 24 2006, 22:18:59 UTC
Pollo Loco! She was pretty good in that. I like Max quite a bit, actually, despite Jessica Alba not exactly being a great thespian. And the concept is cool. It reminds me of Alias in some ways, particularly the whole Project Christmas business. There are some missteps, sure, but all in all it's an enjoyable show. And holy hell, the Max/Logan chemistry. I have no problems believing that Jessica and Michael were (are? I haven't heard anything lately) together in real life.


brynnmck July 24 2006, 22:44:27 UTC
Yeah, and I liked the fact it was set in Seattle, too. Even if it was a Vancouver-y sort of Seattle. ;) Good point about the Alias connections--I don't think I'd thought of that.

I was so unsurprised to learn that Jessica Alba and Michael Weatherly were together in RL. I'm pretty sure that they got engaged and broke up and got back together a couple of times, but the last I heard they were broken up for good. Which made me kinda sad.

And can we talk about the stubble? OMG. Michael Weatherly was my best introduction to the joys of stubble.


(The comment has been removed)

pathstotread July 24 2006, 22:14:35 UTC
brynnmck July 24 2006, 22:18:48 UTC
Please note the date on those fics, and be kind. :)


pathstotread July 24 2006, 22:21:07 UTC
Oh, honey. Have you read my first Alias fics? (Please don't.) I guarantee these are a step up.


adafrog July 24 2006, 22:24:19 UTC
Wait, Spokane? I didn't know that. lol I'm from near Hermiston Oregon, which is about 30 miles from the Tri-Cities. Cool.

Great about the reunion, though. I've never been to one-our ten year wasn't planned, really, not that I was planning on going, anyway...:D


brynnmck July 24 2006, 23:02:56 UTC
Really? I've been to Hermiston! Well, through it, anyway. :) I went to college in Walla Walla, and I did summer stock one year in Joseph, OR. Plus I lived in Portland for a while. I'm pretty much a northwest girl, obviously. :)


adafrog July 25 2006, 03:01:14 UTC
Cool! I started in Roseburg Oregon, then Pendleton for 3rd grade, then Stanfield through High School. College and med school in Portland-I lived in Beaverton. My mom worked at the telephone office in Walla Walla for a long time.
What's summer stock? In Joseph, no less? Went to a stock show there once, I think.


brynnmck July 26 2006, 16:18:57 UTC
I lived in Beaverton, too!

Summer stock is just repertory theater; my college had a program, and I got cast one summer. It was an interesting experience. But in a town as small as Joseph, we were total celebrities--I remember running into this kid who was thrilled beyond belief that I was actually dating the guy who played my love interest (or whose love interest I played, whichever) in one of the shows. She 'shipped us! And she wanted our autographs. It was hilarious. So, you know. I was famous for one summer in a town of 200 people. :D


asta77 July 24 2006, 23:43:45 UTC
I really enjoyed the first season of 'Dark Angel'. It was practically Must See TV for me. But then to boost ratings FOX decided they needed to change the focus and it became a blatent rip-off of 'X-Men' in far too many episodes. Then there was the stupid virus that prohibited Max and Logan from touching. I tuned out pretty fast after all that.


brynnmck July 24 2006, 23:57:05 UTC
Yeah, Mr. McK and I both enjoyed the first season, too. And I think we gave up about halfway through the second one, though we did tune in for the finale. Wasted potential, man.

And the virus. SO LAME. Especially because all they had to do was read a few of the jillion Wolverine/Rogue fics out there that are very explicit on the subject of how to have sex without touching skin to skin. Hee.


asta77 July 25 2006, 00:24:05 UTC
You just take every opportunity you can to bring up Rogue/Wolverine, don't you? :p


brynnmck July 25 2006, 00:30:43 UTC
Hee. Well, S2 of Dark Angel was right around my time of extreme obsession with W/R fic, so it was an obvious mental leap for me at the time. :)


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