Blah blah, woof woof.

Jul 24, 2006 13:05

First of all, only two days left to sign up for our Friendship Ficathon! Come play, it'll be fun!

I am highly amused by all the sudden Dark Angel squee going around on my flist. I am now less ashamed to admit that that was the fandom that dragged me on to the internets and introduced me to message boards and spoilers and fic (not to mention thesocialnorm). ( Read more... )

friendship ficathon, personal, misc tv

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pathstotread July 24 2006, 21:33:55 UTC
In any case, it's kind of fun to see people getting excited about my first real fandom.

Hee, that's how I feel whenever I see one of my friends getting into Alias. I'm like "aww! Baby's first fandom!"

Dark Angel has totally sucked me in. Not ashamed to admit it (or the fact that it's mostly due to Max/Logan. What can I say, I'm a shipper girl.)


brynnmck July 24 2006, 22:11:49 UTC
Oh, I was all about Max/Logan, too. They had some crazy hot chemistry. (That was when I first discovered spoilers, trying to find out if they were EVER GOING TO MAKE OUT OMG. Hee.) And I actually liked the concept, too, and still have a weird fondness for Jessica Alba, even though I think she peaked (acting-wise) in the first season with... whatever the episode with Ben was. I thought she was actually very good in that. In S2, she just looks tired and unhappy and it made me sad.


pathstotread July 24 2006, 22:18:59 UTC
Pollo Loco! She was pretty good in that. I like Max quite a bit, actually, despite Jessica Alba not exactly being a great thespian. And the concept is cool. It reminds me of Alias in some ways, particularly the whole Project Christmas business. There are some missteps, sure, but all in all it's an enjoyable show. And holy hell, the Max/Logan chemistry. I have no problems believing that Jessica and Michael were (are? I haven't heard anything lately) together in real life.


brynnmck July 24 2006, 22:44:27 UTC
Yeah, and I liked the fact it was set in Seattle, too. Even if it was a Vancouver-y sort of Seattle. ;) Good point about the Alias connections--I don't think I'd thought of that.

I was so unsurprised to learn that Jessica Alba and Michael Weatherly were together in RL. I'm pretty sure that they got engaged and broke up and got back together a couple of times, but the last I heard they were broken up for good. Which made me kinda sad.

And can we talk about the stubble? OMG. Michael Weatherly was my best introduction to the joys of stubble.


pathstotread July 24 2006, 22:52:34 UTC
Even if it was a Vancouver-y sort of Seattle.

As kelbelle likes to say, "Oh, Vancouver. You look like everywhere!"

Oh LORD, the stubble. He pulls that off like nobody's business. Add the glasses and the S1 spiky hair (and the eyes, and the really pretty mouth) and you pretty much have a guy guaranteed to make Carrie go "yeah, I'd hit that."


brynnmck July 24 2006, 23:00:00 UTC
"Oh, Vancouver. You look like everywhere!"

HEE. So true! And now that I am watching Supernatural and have been to Vancouver recently, everything looks even more eerily familiar than usual. It's very confusing. I not only have to go, "Weren't Mulder and Scully there once?" but I also have to go, "Wasn't I there once?" Heh.

I heard Michael Weatherly say that he hated having to keep the stubble all the time, but I was like, "Dude. A grateful nation thanks you." Yes. Michael Weatherly had a place on my list, once upon a time.


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