Well, that's part of the problem--I don't have a primary care physician right now (I know, I know! I promised my mother-in-law that I would find one, but I haven't yet), so I would have to just drop in somewhere. Probably an ER, since wherever I go would need an ultrasound machine to detect a blood clot. So... that's not a super appealing option. But whatever it is seems to be getting better, so I think I'm okay for now. But thank you for the concern. *smish*
1. IT WAS. Lauren's uncontrollable giggle-spasms after she found out made me SO HAPPY. Man, I just ADORED her, I'm so pleased. Though part of me wishes Robert could've won, too--it's hard not to root for a guy who wanted to use the prize money to buy stuff for his mom. Awww!
Comments 15
Dude. Waste everyone's time, yours included. The alternative - a Brynnless world - is manifestly NOT TO BE DESIRED OMG.
Get thee to a primary-care physician, please.
I accept this explanation with reservation. Keep promise to Mama Mr. Brynn, please. I want you around for a while.
2. Oh Missouri. ♥ ♥ ♥
3. You realize I'm going to have to hear from you EVERY SINGLE DAY for the next week, right? <3
2. Run, Missouri!
3. I am STILL ALIVE THUS FAR. Heeee. ♥
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