'Cause what you've got inside ain't where your love should stay

Jun 11, 2009 11:21

HI YOU GUYS. I am an exceptionally sucky internet friend right now, and for that I sincerely apologize, particularly since your birthday wishes filled me with so much glee and warm-fuzzies and really just generally ENTIRELY made my day. Thank you so much! Also, I wanted to mention that catwalksalone made me a grafic that is a) AMAZING and b) 100 PERCENT TRUE ( Read more... )

kris allen is a human moodtheme, come to our bitchin' party, i could go on about that forever, adam lambert has a python on his crotch, fans are awesome, magic of the dance, unexpected intervention of brian may, music, come with me if you want to live

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Comments 30

brooklinegirl June 11 2009, 18:31:44 UTC
bryyyyyyyyyyyyn. hand to god, as I was doing yoga this morning, I was THINKING that you'd been mysteriously MIA for a while now. (I don't know why yoga reminded me of you? Perhaps it was the cheerleading.) But YAY for back, and omg MEEP for crazy, and OH MY GOD YAAAAAAAAAAAAY for Bitchin' Party '09!

(Which is, you know, the week before my wedding, so I am GUESSING WE WILL MISS THIS AGAIN WOE DAMMIT WOE.)

But! That said! I want to hear about how you negotiated everything! Because: new room! Bacon! all still for a v. good price! YAY FOR YOU!


brynnmck June 12 2009, 00:11:42 UTC
HEE. Yes, I can see why my timeless grace in the cheerleading would encourage you to associate me with yoga! *snickering*

And WOE DAMMIT WOE. The timing, dude! WOE. As for the negotiations, though, I really did not do all that much (and in fact I am a bit apprehensive about working with the catering manager, since she has been on the bitchy side so far, AWESOME). Basically, it helps a lot that we're in a suburb--I got some quotes from some of the downtown hotels and they were LAUGHABLY out of my range. But... no one leaves the hotel much anyway? Is my thinking? So hopefully it will all be okay.


sdwolfpup June 11 2009, 18:42:19 UTC
I had not yet watched We Are the Champions yet today so thank you for linking to it again!

IT IS STILL ENTIRELY TOO AWESOME TO COMPREHEND FULLY. When they do the little hand-grab, shoulder-bump moment!! And BRIAN MAY BEING AWESOME. I feel like anyone who was not screaming their head off in that audience may actually have no soul.


brynnmck June 12 2009, 00:12:39 UTC
There is seriously so much awesome going on in that video I don't even know where to start. EEEEEEEEE.

I feel like anyone who was not screaming their head off in that audience may actually have no soul.

TRUFAX, my friend. TRUFAX.

Oh my god your ICON. *DIES*


soupytwist June 11 2009, 18:57:05 UTC
I have never watched Idol but I have maybe watched, um, all the Lambert videos on the website, because SHINY GAY SPARKLY AWESOME. And singing QUEEN! WITH THE BAND! Omg. That really is kind of almost a fanvid for the sparkly love in and of itself, isn't it? They're so ADORABLE!

By which I mean, hi I am pleased you're okay even if you are slightly crazed at the moment. :)


brynnmck June 12 2009, 00:13:17 UTC
Hi hi hi! YES, it is sort of a fanvid! It makes me really really happy! And I am so glad you are enjoying the shiny gay sparkly awesome, too! :D


pathstotread June 11 2009, 19:12:46 UTC
Oh man, their little handshake/man hug in the middle of that performance SLAYS ME. They're like OMG WE'RE SINGING WITH QUEEN! ILU BROTHER! Oh, boys. <3 Kris Allen is my faaaavorite, but ever since the show ended I have been getting that much fonder of Adam. I think I've played his studio recordings more than Kris's, which is funny.

I missed the first three SYTYCD routines last night, but everything else was AMAZING. OH SHOW.


brynnmck June 12 2009, 00:20:21 UTC
their little handshake/man hug in the middle of that performance SLAYS MEYES. LOVE. And especially juxtaposed with the "we'll keep on fighting till the end," because CLEARLY, there will be no fighting THERE. *adores* And I've had the opposite experience, almost--I heard more about Adam at first so I was more into him, but the more I find out about Kris, the more I totally adore him, too. Though I have been listening to Adam's music more, but mainly because, like I said, the stuff he picked is more to my taste--I mean, "Cryin'" is my favorite Aerosmith song, and the Zeppelin cannot be denied, etc. :) But I did buy "Heartless" and "Ain't No Sunshine" this morning, and am thoroughly enjoying them both! I really like Kris' voice, and the whole multiple-instruments thing is HAWT. Basically: THERE IS NO BAD HERE. *glees ( ... )


catwalksalone June 11 2009, 19:19:19 UTC
Brynn! Brynn, Brynn, Brynn! It must be the psychic thinking about Brynn day because I, too, like BLG was thinking about you this morning and telling myself to e-mail and see how things were going and LOOK you totally saved me the trouble. This is because you love me. AND AND AND OMG Bitchin' Party 2010! EEEEEE!

I am also delighted by the Kris'n'Adam bromance thing. It is so gorgeous to see. Their little FACES! *pinches their cheeks*


brynnmck June 16 2009, 17:43:28 UTC
I DO love you! I doooooooooooooooooooo! And BP OMG OMG OMG OMGOMG! *grabs your hands and bounces up and down with you*

The Kris and Adam thing. IDEK. I may have to post again about how much I love them. FLAILING IS AT 1000% RIGHT NOW.


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