'Cause what you've got inside ain't where your love should stay

Jun 11, 2009 11:21

HI YOU GUYS. I am an exceptionally sucky internet friend right now, and for that I sincerely apologize, particularly since your birthday wishes filled me with so much glee and warm-fuzzies and really just generally ENTIRELY made my day. Thank you so much! Also, I wanted to mention that catwalksalone made me a grafic that is a) AMAZING and b) 100 PERCENT TRUE FACTS. ♥ china_shop also wrote me a thing over at tinhat_valley that I absolutely love and adore, though I recognize that it will not be everyone's cup of tea. (Extra special hell FTW!) And thank you, anonymice, for the polar bear and the bag of money (hee)! You all are fabulous for helping to make my day awesome; I really can't express how much it means to me, truly. *smishes you all* And I am excited about 31! I think I am finally actually ACCEPTING being an adult, and trying to figure out what that means to me (hint: it does not mean ceasing to snicker when someone says "duty"), and I'm kind of psyched about that.

And Mr. McK got major points for flying up my college BFF for the weekend, so we had a delightful visit, the briefness of which was made bearable by the fact that I'll get to see her again in a couple of weeks. Woo! Mr. McK also treated us both to mani/pedis at a local spa, which was FABULOUS. Have I mentioned he gets major points for this? Yes.

But I am sort of crazycakes at this point, and probably going to be that way through July, because between now and the end of that month, I'm going to Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Denver, and on the weekend between the Vegas and SF weekends, my in-laws are coming to visit! Ahahahahaha omgkillme. So I may continue to be scarce, and I apologize in advance, and if there's anything you feel like I need to know about, please do not hesitate to email me! (I also bought a bikini for Vegas. It came last night and the top is fine, but the bottom is... a little frightening. So I will just have to do everything I can to draw attention to the top, right? I am thinking neon pasties. Possibly with LEDs. And sound effects?)

In the meantime, let me share with you a couple of things that are making me happy right now:

1. SYTYCD! I have been a bit worried that my pimping of this show would be ill-timed because last season was, well, not their best, but after having watched the first actual performance episode last night? OH MY GOD. You guys, it was SO FUCKING AWESOME. Dancing, personalities, choreography, even Wade Robson was smoking the GOOD crack. I have no idea how they're going to narrow this field down! But you should all watch, too, and find out! (But don't watch for the first time ever tonight. Results shows are bloated and sad. But watch next week! For it is awesome!)

2. Like I said, I have been mostly away from the internets for a week, so forgive me if I am the eleventy millionth person on your flist to post about this, but this whole Kris Allen/Adam Lambert situation? EPIC. ADORABLE. BROMANCE. Oh my god, it is making me so happy. And I have never even watched a single episode of the show! But I sort of absorbed it through fannish osmosis (and through the fact that Adam's choice of songs is tailor-made for meeee) and I am so glad I did, because seriously, AI seems kind of fucked but these two guys are awesome, both individually and together. WITNESS THE GIF-TASTIC AWESOME, I promise you won't be sorry! (Warning: that link may very well leave you not only loving Kris and Adam, but their families as well. IT HAPPENS.) Just scroll down to the TACKLEHUG, if nothing else. I just… they are both really talented and that in itself is obviously cool (Dear Adam: PLEASE BRING BACK CLASSIC ROCK, kthx), but also, what I am really all gooshy about is how they are both, for once, EXCELLENT role models, IMO. In so many different ways, but many of them boil down to just having the courage to BE THEMSELVES, even in situations where it might profit them to be otherwise. They are GOOD for the WORLD, is what I am saying, and it makes me happy. The fact that I just kind of want to squish their adorable little puppy faces is a BONUS. ♥

3. Also, even if you are not interested in the epic bromance, you should totally watch Adam and Kris performing with QUEEN on the AI finale. You guys! QUEEN! And though Queen is of course not quite Queen without Freddie Mercury, I have a special soft spot for Brian May, since, well, GUITAR GOD, for one thing, but also, his version of "Too Much Love Will Kill You" was (hilariously) a major part of the soundtrack of my high school life (Too much love will kill you / Just as sure as none at all / It'll drain the power that's in you / Make you PLEAD and SCREAM and CRAWL, my high school love life was SRS BZNS, y'all, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW). And as sdwolfpup said to me yesterday: "Is there ever a situation where you DON'T want to have Brian May suddenly come out and slay you with his guitar? I THINK NOT." And despite the fog machine and the drunken swaying of the judges and whatever, in the center of this you have BRIAN MAY TOTALLY ROCKING OUT ON TV IN 2009, and looking fondly at Kris and Adam, and Kris and Adam looking fondly at each other, and Kris and Adam looking at Brian May going HOLY SHIT BRIAN MAY, and Adam, especially, just straight-up KILLING the song, and it is amazing. So please watch. I am trying to help you!

4. For the record, I enjoyed Terminator: Salvation after all! YMMV, and I certainly have my issues with it, but I went in with sufficiently low expectations, and it gave my little fan brain enough to play with, that I was pleasantly surprised. I may expound on this further later (when I finish the novelization, and the prequel novelization SHUT UP), but I just wanted to state it for the record.

And last but not least: BITCHIN' PARTY 2010. April 9-11. BE THERE.

kris allen is a human moodtheme, come to our bitchin' party, i could go on about that forever, adam lambert has a python on his crotch, fans are awesome, magic of the dance, unexpected intervention of brian may, music, come with me if you want to live

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