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Jun 11, 2009 10:04

It's official:

Pacificon 2010 is a go!

Pacificon (fondly known as Bitchin' Party) will once again take place at the Issaquah Hilton Garden Inn in Seattle, Washington on April 10 and 11, 2010, with some unofficial activities on the evening of April 9.

Registration will begin at 9 a.m. Pacific time on November 7, 2009, will cost $85, and is limited to 100 attendees.

People seemed to have a pretty good time last time around, and I sure as hell did, too, but in our relentless pursuit of bacon a better con experience, we are adding a few improvements this year, such as:

- An actual con suite! As much fun as it was to lounge around in the hallway last time and teach Mountie Barbie the joy of sex, we thought it might be better to have someplace actually reserved for the general hanging-out. So you know that room next door to the panel rooms, where all the Microsofties were last time? This time it is OURS, ALL OURS. MUAHAHAHAHA.

- BACON! By popular request, we're going with a full breakfast on Sunday morning: bacon, eggs, potatoes, the works. NOM. There will also be hors d'ouvres provided on Saturday night, as well as snacks and beverages throughout both days. (It is also possible that I will have a secret stash of protein bars somewhere. NO ONE WILL STARVE AT MY CON.)

- ALCOHOL. There will be a cash bar on Saturday night, to complement the vidshow! Feel free to mingle with the social lubricant of your choice.

Quite honestly, I think it will be hard for me to have more fun than I had the last time around, but I think we are up to the challenge, right? BITCHIN' PARTY 2010: THIS TIME, IT'S EVEN MORE BITCHIN'. Mark your calendars! And, as usual, please feel free to contact me with any questions.


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