Registration reminder!

Oct 07, 2009 09:06

With registration about a month away, I thought it was time for a post about how REGISTRATION IS A MONTH AWAY, ARE YOU READY TO PARTY IN A REGISTRATION-Y KIND OF WAY?

Yes, that's right, registration for Pacificon 2010 (aka Bitchin' Party) will open at 9 a.m. Pacific time on Saturday, November 7, 2009. WOO!

The procedure will be pretty much the same as last time, so here's a recap: The registration fee is $85, and we are capping registration at 100 attendees. The registration post will go up at 9 a.m. Pacific time on Saturday, November 7, 2009. You will leave the following registration information in the comments, which will be screened so only the moderators can see:

1) Your real, actual name. FIRST AND LAST. Don't worry, comments will be screened. No one will see it but us. This is just so we can match up payment and emails to your registration.

2) Your badge name. It can be whatever you want, however you want. We will print it exactly how you provide it here. That means capitalization, spelling, spaces, etc. Please be attentive to this.

3) A valid working email address where we can reach you quickly and easily. No addresses, please. Those are unreliable. And please use proper punctuation instead of typing out "dot com," etc. Again, no one will see this but us. If you register for someone else, we'll send their confirmations to both of you.

4) Your method of payment. We need to know where to be looking.

5) An age statment, which you just copy and leave there. This is more to cover our asses if a bunch of teenyboppers show up the day of or something. This event WILL have porn and booze and stuff available to those of age. We make no claim otherwise. Additionally, you must be at least 17 in order to attend this con.

6) For people other than yourself, it'd be nice if you gave us their LJ name, if they have one. (Please use your own LJ to register yourself.) Also, let us know who's paying for them and how, whether it's you or them or Uncle Bob or Paul Gross.

You can only register for yourself, for another person, or both yourself and another person. We will be providing you handy cut-and-paste "forms" in the post to help make sure you don't forget anything. After you've commented with your info, you will be emailed a confirmation that you made the cut (and we have no automated system for this, so please be patient-we will get back to you as soon as possible). From the point at which you receive your confirmation email, you will then have seven days to submit payment. We greatly prefer Paypal to pacificon08 [at] gmail [dot] com for speed and online tracking purposes, but we can take a check or money order if absolutely necessary (US dollars only, please). If you're international, we have to insist on something electronic. If we don't receive your payment by the due date, your spot will be forfeit to the next person in line, if there is one. Once your payment is received, you'll receive a second confirmation email letting you know you're officially registered with Bitchin Party. Woo!

Because we know that life is unpredictable, and the best-laid people plans, etc., etc., we're offering the most lenient refund policy we can afford. If you need to cancel your paid membership before March 15, we will refund $65 of your $85. (We may also cry a little that we won't get to see you, but don't mind us.) After March 15, we won't be able to offer any refunds. However, we have a "no problem!" transfer policy. You can transfer your membership to another party at any time, even the day of the con if need be. After all 100 spots fill up, we will start a waiting list. Any cancellations after the fill point will be offered to the people on the waiting list, in order.

Sound good? I'M PSYCHED. As always, please feel free to email/PM me or comment here with any questions!


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