Compliments of the season to you all, and Welcome to the Hellmouth

Dec 23, 2011 15:36

I'm off to parents' tomorrow, because sitting around on your own over Christmas is grim - so travelling all of 3 miles to their place is oddly cheering and festive. They have wifi now, so I really shouldn't be out of touch too much, but there will be celebrating and familyness of course, so it seems like the moment to wish you all a happy Christmas ( Read more... )

writing life

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Comments 3

slaymesoftly December 23 2011, 18:12:03 UTC
Enjoy your time with family and have a wonderful holiday. You have blessed us with so much wonderful reading material this year - you deserve a few days' rest. (But only a few - then it's back to the keyboard...) :)


snickfic December 24 2011, 08:33:38 UTC
You had a truly amazing year this year, IMO. Wes/Illyria mpreg! Wingfic! Green Card! And some things that I still have on my to-read list, like the S2 Spuffy AU. (I'm saving it for when I really really need it.)

Go you!


relurker December 24 2011, 16:39:46 UTC
Thank you!
Greetings to you too!


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