Compliments of the season to you all, and Welcome to the Hellmouth

Dec 23, 2011 15:36

I'm off to parents' tomorrow, because sitting around on your own over Christmas is grim - so travelling all of 3 miles to their place is oddly cheering and festive. They have wifi now, so I really shouldn't be out of touch too much, but there will be celebrating and familyness of course, so it seems like the moment to wish you all a happy Christmas or other festive season of your choice.

I never do a proper fic review of the year - there's TOO MUCH STUFF dammit - but some highlights:

Green Card verse, of course. It's the first sustained long fic I've written, deny it though I may. I ran on pure fic adrenalin for a few months. It seems to have run out for now, though I did just have half an idea for how to write season 7, so there's still some hope.

But there was other fic - some favourites:
Once Upon A Rainbow: Giles and a Midsummer Night's Drunken Dream
You Had To Be There: Oz genfic about Not Fade Away
Black and White and Red All Over, Faith gen, pre-series, some horror
All The All Of Me, Giles/Xander
Flickers, Intermittent Faith/Giles/Wesley, Adult, apocalyptic
To Cancel Half a Line, season 2 Spuffy apocalypse AU

There was some crack!fic too:
Mortal Peril... Giles/Harmony...
The Shady Side of the Hill, Wes/Illyria mpreg
Faith/Giles rulesverse wingfic (3 stories, all linked from this last one)

And some communities:
An apparent farewell to still_grrr makes me sad. We don't have enough prompt comms. But other comms roll on. This year was the year of disc_fest, and I wrote a couple of things for that, especially Vetinari and an old city guild: Civic Duty
whedon-kinkmeme helped me write smut!: Faith/Wesley, Buffy/Riley, Angel/Cordelia
femslash_minis: now the only living minific comm, and a constant source of interest and inspiration. I've written for most of their rounds this year, so I won't link it all, but some favourites are: Few Words, But Meaningful (Faith/Zoe), Situation Normal (Faith/Dawn), Three Graces (Cordelia/Dawn/Transuding Furies), Mutually Assured (Faith/Buffy), Finger on the Pulse (Gwen/Buffybot), After the Endings (Dawn/Illyria)
And above all, sb_fag_ends, especially their mad, wonderful Mortifex challenge. If you're snowed in this winter with nothing better to do, you can read every last ficlet I wrote for them here: my tag.

New Year Fic Resolutions: write some more m/m (seriously, I've read so much this year it should be leaking out of my ears, but I've written about 3 fics), write some more Gunn (always), think of a way of tackling season 7 Green Card, keep on enjoying the writing, and comment more on the fic of others!

writing life

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