Schmoopover! Tis done, and here is the last little ensemble ficlet

Jul 26, 2010 19:01

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Community History
Rating PG
Pairing/characters Ensemble
Word Count 540
Prompt Memories - scrapbook, photo album
Setting 2017
Note: for schmoop_bingo. All my responses for this challenge are set in the Rulesverse, a post-Chosen AU in which the Slayer Council develops into a fully rounded organisation. I highly advise you not to read this as your first ever Rulesverse fic!

Facebook Group: Slayer Council
Members: 786

Slayer Council’s Photos - Slayer Council Blast from the Past Album

Picture 1 of 78
Title: The Slayer bus hits LA, First Ever Council - 21 May 2003

In this photo: Andrew Wells, Rupert Giles, Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Caridad Romero, Lorne Green, Robin Wood, Willow Rosenberg, Kennedy Hewitt, Xander Harris, Vi Cane

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Buffy Summers: Finally scanned this in! We look so young. And bandaged.
Dawn Summer: No change there, then?
Rona Gibbs: Faith - see you’re cuddling up to Giles already! Way to get over Robin!
Vi Cane: Kind of tacky. Weren’t you still with Robin, Faith?
Faith Lehane: Mind your beeswax kiddo.
Faith Lehane: I don’t remember this picture? Who shot it? Thought we were all in the big scary powwow, not dancing around taking snapshots.
Rupert Giles: We’ve talked this over and believe it must have been Wesley. I know he was pottering around getting ready for the Wolfram and Hart move. Can anyone confirm? We were all rather occupied with the decision about Scotland, as I recall.
Buffy Summers: I think so. I remember when we needed that atlas to find where the hell the castle was, Wesley was in the reference room. I think with a camera.
Dawn Summers: Is no one going to comment on my cute little jacket? Or Buffy’s heinous flares?
Andrew Wells: From this single meeting sprang the mighty tree that is the Slayer Council. Does anyone think we should have medals? Like, the Order of the Hyperion, maybe? We were there.
Tina Mendez: you guys look so wrecked! I wish I could have been there.
Xander Harris: Be glad you weren’t. We lost good people. Our biggest ever death toll.
Xander Harris: Sorry. Not with the mood. We mostly have better hair now, which is of the good.
Illyria Wesley complains that his hairline is receding.
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Could we perhaps return to Andrew’s words of wisdom?

Picture 7 of 78

Title: The SSO Training Centre opening - 2005

In this photo: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Lorne Green, Rupert Giles, Angel, Buffy Summers, Charles Gunn, Harmony Kendall, Illyria

Cordelia Chase: I missed this! So it was always meant to be that color? I thought it must have faded or something.
Harmony Kendall: Sunset sky. I picked it out. It looks a little dated now.
Cordelia Chase: Sorry Harm. It’s cheerful!
Buffy Summers: You guys have hardly changed. Well, why would you? (Illyria, Harmony, Angel - Lorne, even?). Giles and me, not so much.
Buffy Summers: Gunn looks great.
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: Yes. He worked bloody hard to get this going. We’d have been months late without him.
Caridad Gunn: Thanks for posting this. It’s good to remember Charles before we got together.

Picture 78 of 78

Title: Halloween 2016
In this photo: Rosy Giles-Lehane, Annie Summers-Smith, Michael Giles, Rorie Summers-Smith

Buffy Summers: So cute, our mini Slayers!
Faith Lehane: Keep your mitts off Rosy. She’s going to be a scientist. Or a nurse. Or a florist. Anything. No Slayer brainwashing, ‘kay?
Buffy Summers: But the itty bitty stakes! Mike makes a lovely vampire too.
Faith Lehane: B, you have *got* to get over this vamp thing. Srsly.
Spike Smith: Not likely. Not any time soon.


kitchen disaster


cloud watching

autumn holiday/festival

kidfic - birthday

playing instrument


anniversary - perfect gift

wedding - shower


illness - shared

kissing it better

WILD CARD (caught in a storm)

summer holiday/festival

massage - back rub

pregnancy (male or female)

baby - setting up nursery

romantic holiday

memories - scrapbook/photo album

fire in the fireplace

pregnancy - first ultrasound

anniversary - first

candlelight sex

snowed in

cuddling by the fire

Or to put it another way:
And two other ensemble ficlets


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