The Start of a Sin [Chapter 7]

Dec 23, 2008 21:09

Title: The Start of a Sin
Author: dephi
Pairing: Pitego, Ryotego
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the characters
Summary: There were times when you were put in a situation where you would have to choose between two while each of them were completely different from each other. There were times that your choice would lead into an ( Read more... )

g : angst, r : pg-15, p : tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa, p : nishikido ryo/tegoshi yuya, *multichapter

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Comments 49

snow_meow December 23 2008, 16:33:26 UTC

Poor Tegoshi.

I am so confused as to who I want Tegoshi to be and who I want dead.
I feel that this love triangle is so sad.


brown_cinnamon December 25 2008, 12:10:01 UTC
Ah yes..
That's why I said previously that it'll be angstier in this chapter.
That's why I don't want to post it either on christmas eve or even the christmas day itself.. D:

The love triangle...
No matter how it is, I guess the prologue had shown that Tegoshi was with nobody, supposedly. Can't say much about that.. :D

Sorry for my late reply, also thanks for reading and commenting ♥


huey_tsai December 23 2008, 16:33:36 UTC

what happened to him D: anywho. i'm confused with ryo nao. i don't really know if he kind of just a little, likes tego or not. :)) or am i just ocnfusing myself? :)) anywho.

i'm glad you updated! and of course, i can't wait for the next chapters to come!~


brown_cinnamon December 25 2008, 12:14:37 UTC
First of all, sorry for my late reply... D;

As whatI'd said before... DON'T KILL ME PLEASEE~
Now you get the point why I said that, right?

Ah well, about Ryo... Can't really say much about it... I guess, I'm leaving it to the reader's imagination for the time being, as it'll be more and more hinted after this.. :)
But of course, the amount of angst won't decrease, or even will go up..

The update might take longer than expected.. But as usual, hopefully it wouldn't take longer than a week, although I doubt that this time...

Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


huey_tsai December 25 2008, 13:09:02 UTC
oh no, it's okay. :))

first, i wont kill you just for this, :)) besides, if i killed you, who would continue this pretty story for everyone? :)) *evil* yeah, now i get your point. :)) but still, i wont kill you. :)) ryo here is really confusing me. :)) i can't quite figure him out. lol, for some unexpected reason, i like angst. angst spices up any fanfic out there. :))

oh no, it's okay, plus, my internet connection fails me.. really. lol, i';d still be waiting for it though.

no problem! ♥


brown_cinnamon December 25 2008, 14:09:32 UTC
You give me quite a hard choice there... D:
But I will continue this, definitely, unless anyone decides to hunt me down.. Lol... This is not the end...YET. So don't worry... :DD
But this fic will be ended in about 2 or 3 more chapters, exclude the epilogue. Lol... And can't you see how long this chapter is? Oh my, I'm making too many excuses.

But you're having holiday right? Nice.. :D


yuyako16 December 23 2008, 17:38:46 UTC
i thought yuya was the one who visited someone's grave, but he was shot??
ehh? i kind of don't get it.
but yeah, this is really interesting. and a cliffhanger as well! now i really want you to update as soon as possible so i could read the next part.

update soon, hun. can't wait for it. ^^,v


brown_cinnamon December 25 2008, 12:17:28 UTC
Sorry for my late reply...

So more would come later.. Lol.. Although this fic should be ended pretty soon... :)

Angst and angst... I guess the next chapter won't be that angst, or rather boring, but well, can't say much... Hopefully I can finish it within a week or something.. :D

Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


eightroses December 23 2008, 23:08:34 UTC
omgomgomgomgomgomg wow
that was the last thing I was expecting to happen
ooooh tegoshi~
come out of hiding! lol xD


brown_cinnamon December 25 2008, 12:20:52 UTC
*coming out from my hiding*

Ah, forgive my strange start... Lol...
Don't kill me? *puppy eyes*
I don't want to write that either, but my *cough* cold heart simply let it be, thus this's the result... :DD
Stupid explanation, lol

Thanks for reading and commenting, and also sorry for my late reply... D:


eightroses December 25 2008, 12:30:23 UTC
i wont kill you ;p lol
how else will you continue to write if you're dead? D:
hahahaha i know what you mean
please update soon!


sweetyhunbun December 25 2008, 12:55:21 UTC
Ouch, right... :P
I can see the point. Lol.... :DDD
I'll try to update, within a week.. But then, can't give any real promise though... D:


nichiya December 24 2008, 02:52:50 UTC
sorry i can only comment now, read 4 chapters in a row, so many unexpected things <33 i really hate bastard ryo in this fic. i can't wait for the next chapters. ganbatte ne! now i'm really curious who would die in this fic *fingers crossed it's not Yamapi, but why my feeling said so? >.<*


brown_cinnamon December 25 2008, 12:27:50 UTC
Nahh, never mind dear... ♥
I think I should be the one to say sorry for the late reply... D:

The bastard Ryo might have his own reason, etc..
I won'T side.. Lol...
And I can't really say who's going to die... :D
Am I evil? Lol...

Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


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