
Oct 30, 2010 21:06

Title: Obsessed
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa, Ryo/OC
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: The plot and the oc are mine.. :D
Summary: She was just Reina. Plain, sweet Reina. Plain sweet fucking Reina. The girl who once stole Ryo from him.
A/N: Does anyone remember me? First ever fic since ages so I'm not sure if this is good or not. Short and un-beta- ( Read more... )

g : angst, *oneshot, p : nishikido ryo/oc, g : slash, r : pg-13, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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Comments 17

andreecynthia October 30 2010, 14:50:51 UTC
give me a second to welcome you back....3...2...1...WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I just love this. I kinda always thought of Ueda being that silent, yet really jealous type

oooo I wish this could be a multi-chap!! (but personal opinion)

thank you for posting! and again, welcome back!


brown_cinnamon October 30 2010, 15:02:29 UTC
Thank you! :D
I'm really glad to be back! I'm in the mood of angst and somehow that idea popped up while I was watching an episode of America's Next Top Model cycle 14 (one of the girl is called Raine then I though, why not Reina). Oh a new multichapter? Haha.. I have a lot in my hand but anyway, if you'd like too feel free to visit my polling. I'm contemplating now, so yeah ^^;;

Once again thank you for reading and commenting ♥

thank God someone is reading :DD


andreecynthia October 30 2010, 15:30:38 UTC
you're watching that too!??! Cuz I was just watching that right now... O_O

yes I would love to submit! ^^


brown_cinnamon October 30 2010, 15:48:09 UTC
Yes I am! I'm just in love with that series at the moment ♥
Which cycle are you watching now?


mklia October 30 2010, 15:09:59 UTC
WELCOME BACK!!!! <3 <3 <3

i miss you and your fics. :D
been re-reading them whenever I need more Ryoda. :D

a very simple come back but its good. <3
A silently jealous Ueda is there to pick up the pieces for Ryo. Sweet. but still come help being reminded of her...

Take your time to continue your fics, i'm sure the old readers will come back too, esp in your f-lists.
& The art of Manipulation needs to be continued. ;D



brown_cinnamon October 30 2010, 15:51:45 UTC
Helloo! ♥

And I miss you too. It's been too long I think. Really? I'm happy to know that! :D

Yauu.. I've been struggling in deciding what story will be best for my comeback. I was thinking about a spin-off from one of my completed fic but somehow I got this idea and I started with this. I don't know where the idea came from but I'm so pleased to know that you enjoy it :DD

Thank you! I've started making drafts of my unfinished fics but had a difficulty in deciding which to update first. But anyway, I'll work on all anyway so it's just a matter of time.

So thank you for reading and commenting and thank you for coming back and checking my stories ♥


lybrint October 30 2010, 15:49:26 UTC
Yeah! Okaeri sweet home ne ^_^
Don't be...as long U have intend 2 do it...it's was just fine ^_^

4 this fic...I have no idea at all hehehe gomennasai ne *bow* unless U can elaborate it in next fic, then I'll tell what I can come up with it ^_^ gomen...


brown_cinnamon October 30 2010, 15:54:39 UTC
Tadaima ♥

Ah, sorry that this story is really short because that was how I designed it. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to elaborate more for this story unless I make a whole new multichapter which might not be a good idea considering my long unfinished stories list, but let's see if I can come up with something. haha.. But anyhow, thank you so much for reading and commenting ♥

I'll be posting something sometimes soon ;)


fancyann1974 October 30 2010, 20:00:46 UTC
jealous silent ueda, picking up the ryo after she left but unable to forget her
thank you for sharing


brown_cinnamon October 31 2010, 13:47:39 UTC
Yes. Hence obsessed. Thank you for reading and commenting ♥


dayenniez October 31 2010, 08:56:47 UTC
OMG!!!!! *screaming* I miss you so much!!
feel like crying.. I'm happy you're back! XD
really happy!
Just save this 1st.. thanks for sharing..


brown_cinnamon October 31 2010, 13:49:01 UTC
Hello! And I miss you too ♥
It's been way too long, right? I think the last time I wrote a decent fic was a year ago and afterwards I only wrote for the challenges I joined. I'm happy to know that you're reading this too ♥

Thank you for reading and commenting ♥


dayenniez November 1 2010, 04:17:41 UTC
this is good dear..
jealous ueda was so adorable..
and I was thinking about Ryo's thought on him and that Reina.. XD


brown_cinnamon November 1 2010, 08:52:47 UTC
Thank you ♥
I was quite worried because I haven't been writing for long enough and I'm so glad that people can enjoy this :D


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