
Oct 30, 2010 21:06

Title: Obsessed
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa, Ryo/OC
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: The plot and the oc are mine.. :D
Summary: She was just Reina. Plain, sweet Reina. Plain sweet fucking Reina. The girl who once stole Ryo from him.
A/N: Does anyone remember me? First ever fic since ages so I'm not sure if this is good or not. Short and un-beta-ed ^^;;

Her name was Reina.

She was not tall or thin. Neither beautiful nor sexy. She was merely a petite girl with a big doe eyes and thin lips. She was average, not a girl that made people said 'wow' but not hideous either, just in between. Her hair was long but not silky and black, very black. What most attractive was the perfect set of white teeth than probably awed him.

When she walked, there was always this annoying sound but there was a tune, not necessarily made a good music but not bad either. Her eyebrows were extremely thin which made him wonder whether she was born that way or it was a result of a bad trim but Ryo loved it anyway. Ueda had watched him kissed her brows affectionally and it made him sick, he wanted to throw up but he kept a straight face instead.

Her giggles. Don't make him start with it. It was the most irritating sound Ueda had ever heard. She spoke in a high tone and always talked in a loud voice fast. But it did not seem to bother Ryo and it pained Ueda. Because Ryo always scolded him, told him that it was disturbing, so Ueda tried to kept it as calm as possible, but it was different with Reina.

Sweet Reina, not beautiful Reina. Even he was more beautiful than Reina. But it wasn't enough to keep Ryo. She ate messily and left her plate dirty. But not her teeth, of course, she was too obsessed with it until she visited the bathroom several times just to ensure that her mouth was clean and her breath was not bad. She was very picky about her food and always them served perfectly. She timed her feast and did not care if there were remnants when the time was up. It was really weird but Ryo never commented on it. He just smiled while looking at her. Just smiled. And if was freaking weird because it wasn't the same as what he said to him. Foods shouldn't be wasted, but for her, only her, Ryo said nothing and it pissed Ueda off.

She was just Reina. Plain, sweet Reina. Plain sweet fucking Reina. The girl who once stole Ryo from him.

He said she was sick. But Ueda couldn't care less, did not want to care. It was inexcusable and he was badly hurt, but he took Ryo back at the end because it hurt him even more not to. But things could never be the same anymore.

It was Reina's fault. All hers. She stole his Ryo and destroyed his entire world. Then one day she just disappeared and left Ryo breaking into pieces. He was the one who picked up the pieces but it wasn't enough, it could never be enough, not again.

He wanted her to disappear and now she did but he couldn't forget her. She haunted him in his dreams, she destroyed her focus completely, she only left Ryo for him but the rest she stole.

Watching Ryo sleeping was, not surprisingly, calming. He meant the world to him, he always did, but he had hurt him and sliced his heart deep. No, it wasn't Ryo's fault, it was hers. She was the source of his misery, the reason why it was so hard to sleep, so hard to forget. He couldn't move on because of her. Everything was her fault, everything.

Her eyes, her lips. The way her brows twitched. Her weird walk. Her ponytail. Her weird fascination of anything green. Her boots. The way she tapped her lips when she was nervous. Her precise timings and her obsession of perfection. Her disdain of heels. Everything, just everything.

Why couldn't he fucking forget that?

Her name was Reina.


E/N: How long has it been? I don't know myself. For all my readers, especially my old readers, if you're still here and you remember me, feel free to scold me or whatever. I was at fault anyway for being away for like ages. But the good news is, I'm back and I'll be working on my stories again, even the abandoned one. But I am way busier now (if any of you remember I am a dentistry student so, enough said) with school and since I'm also freelancing for a publishing companies so it might take longer for updates now but I'm trying. Anyhow, I'm holding a polling right here and feel free to check that out and maybe leave a word or two, I'll appreciate that. Last but not least, thank you all for reading and I'd love to hear anything from y'all :D

g : angst, *oneshot, p : nishikido ryo/oc, g : slash, r : pg-13, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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