The Start of a Sin [Chapter 3]

Dec 02, 2008 20:26

Title: The Start of a Sin
Author: dephi
Pairing: Pitego, Ryotego
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG - 13 for the angst and might go higher
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the characters
Summary: There were times when you were put in a situation where you would have to choose one between two while each of them were completely different from each other There were times you’re your choice would lead into an eternal pain or a guilt. And there were times when you had to make your final choice, although you didn’t want to but the condition forced you too while you might regret it, forever...
Notes: There'll be character's death later.

It had been a few days since both Tegoshi and Yamashita officially knew each other which were the start of their so called friendship. Friendship? Well, it was more like investigating for Tegoshi as he only did what Nishikido had asked him to do. On the other hand, for Yamashita... Nobody knew what that friendship thing meant for him, unless perhaps for his best friends who had tried to guess the mysterious feeling Yamashita kept inside his heart.

Since that day it would not be unusual to find a table consisted of five person; Yamashita, Koyama, Ikuta, Masuda, and Tegoshi. People found it strange at first, that the popular three friends were able to hang out with their two mere juniors. Well, they were not just some mere juniors though. Masuda was extraordinary talented on sports and look at his innocent chubby face. If looks could cheat then Masuda Takahisa would be the master of tricks. While for Tegoshi.. Girls would hate to admit it but Tegoshi had such a beautiful face that nobody would ever guess that he's actually a boy if he was disguising as a girl.

Everything seemed to be so perfect in both of Tegoshi's eyes, he was able to get closer to Yamashita without much effort. Not that he usually had to use much more effort but it seemed like this time Yamashita was the one who opened his heart right from the start. It was unknown whether this was a fortunate event or an unfortunate one, but Tegoshi didn't notice this at all as he was too happy that he didn't have to waste his time and energy at all to please Nishikido.

Yes... Nishikido... Tegoshi still couldn't get over him even after that eventful night. He was a jerk indeed, but Tegoshi didn't lose even a bit of his feeling towards him although he was currently on a denial stage. Tegoshi tried to hate Nishikido, especially after what he had to go through that night, but all of his efforts were turned into vain as the feeling still remained inside his heart or even it started getting bigger. So the only thing Tegoshi was left with was to act as if he didn't have that kind of feeling from the start. That was what he had hoped but it seemed like the reality spoke differently.

"Tegoshi, what are you doing? Daydreaming? Hello, this is not even noon yet!"

Tegoshi was startled when he heard that but when he turned around and saw Masuda's worried expression, he couldn't hold his laughter anymore. "Sorry Massu." he apologized although the laughter was still heard. It was rude indeed but Tegoshi found this too amusing so he continued his laugh.

"Hora, Massu. Don't you see that someone is jealous here?" Koyama teased while eyeing Yamashita who immediately sent a death glare to his best friend.

"Ups, Kei - chan. The gorilla is angry now." it was Ikuta's turn this time who opened his mouth. He stole a glance to Yamashita before turning away with a silent laugh.

"I am not a gorilla for your information." Yamashita immediately snapped. His face turned into red while it was unknown whether it was the result of his embarrassment, his anger, or even the combination of both. But the real amusing fact was that Tegoshi didn't really realize that this talk was concerning him too as his laughter grew even louder than ever while Yamashita's face got redder just like a tomato.

"Sorry Pi, I guess you still have a long way to go. Unless... A confession?" Ikuta whispered his suggestion to Yamashita and before Yamashita, who really wanted to throw his own self to the sea currently, was able to snap back, Koyama approached him with a fishy intention which was clearly seen in his face. "After this? Confession sounds good for me." Koyama whispered.

Tegoshi was able to notice how the three friends were whispering about something he didn't know what even though he was still into laughing over Masuda. Not that it was his intention to overhear what they were discussing about, but since it was his job to keep an eye of Yamashita, he couldn't help to feel a bit curious of what they had been talking about. Unfortunately he still had the good boy image he had to keep or else all of his effort would be useless at the end. That was why Tegoshi sat still on his chair and sipped the juice he had while putting the sweet-but-clueless-boy smile on his face.

Both Ikuta and Koyama were sending devilish grins to each others before they stood up, right at the same time. "Gomen, Pi. Ikuta and I... We have some project to do, so off we go to the library." for a second Tegoshi thought that Koyama stole a short mysterious glance to him, well mysterious since Tegoshi didn't know what Koyama's expression meant, but since he had no clue at all he acted like he knew nothing. That was what he intended until suddenly Koyama dragged Masuda into this. "Nee, Massu. Didn't you tell me that you also need to go to the library?" Koyama questioned and this time Tegoshi was sure that Koyama sent a quick wink to Masuda while the said person gave a grin as the reply. This sounded fishy indeed, but it seemed like he had to tag along with the game they were playing. That thought only occupied his mind while the same sweet boy smile stayed still in his mouth which unfortunately made Tegoshi unable to realize that Yamashita looked so nervous as he stole a few quick glances of Tegoshi.

When the three guy were already nowhere in sight, or at least that was what both Tegoshi and Yamashita thought, Yamashita quickly drank his entire juice in one sip before staring at Tegoshi with a daring look. But it didn't take long before he turned his face away right when he met both of Tegoshi's eyes.

Calm down, Yamashita Tomohisa. You will be able to say it just fine, just fine -- that was what Yamashita tried to put in his mind but unfortunately his nervousness had taken over everything.

"Is there something wrong, senpai?" Tegoshi asked politely with a puzzled look on his face. Although Yamashita had insisted that Tegoshi shouldn't call him that formally, Tegoshi still called him with the honorific thing, just in case...

"A-Ah, nothing.. Really, nothing." Yamashita murmured before suddenly he stared at Tegoshi which startled the said person. "S-Sorry.. It's nothing..." he tried to cover his red face with his right palm.

Tegoshi still had the puzzled look on his face before he shook his head and let out a small laugh. "You can tell me if anything bothers you, senpai."

The reaction Yamashita gave for that sentence was not what Tegoshi had expected to get. Not this serious look or whatever...

"What if I say I like you?"

The smile in Tegoshi's face disappeared immediately before it returned again in a flash.

Yamashita, feeling impatient, bit his lower lip at stared at Tegoshi again. "No, not what if.. I-I really like you."

After that the smile was still there, not disappeared not even getting wider. Not even a word came out from Tegoshi's mouth, just...a smile.


It was in a club. The music was played loud while some people were dancing in the middle. Girls, boys, many kids of people were there, doing either dancing, flirting, or simply drinking.

Yamashita was sitting at the counter with the bartender right in front of him. He gulped his beer immediately before asking the bartender to re-fill it again. An image of the earlier incident was formed again before he gulped his beer again to erase that from his mind.

Nothing was clear for him. Or even, he didn't get the answer he had wanted to receive. It was not like Tegoshi rejected him or what, but he didn't give any clear answer whether he accepted Yamashita's confession or not. The only thing he got was that smile... That smile... No other thing. That smile only had shattered his heart into piece. Unless if he wanted to think positively, perhaps Tegoshi was not ready just yet. Yamashita threw a silent laugh when that thought reached his mind. Was he that pathetic until he had to pity his own self? Perhaps he really was. He just hadn't realized it until he reached this point.

He was about to took another sip of his beer when he noticed that his class was empty. Sighing, he thought about asking for another beer. "Ano--"

"2 beers, please." a familiar soft voice was heard from beside him. Yamashita was in the edge of getting drunk so he couldn't really remember whose voice it was. Curiously he turned his head slowly and suddenly his eyes were widened as he regained his consciousness again perfectly.


"Ah, senpai." Yamashita saw that smile again, the same smile Tegoshi gave him this morning. His heart was aching when he saw that but he had no option but to force his smile as a reply. "What are you doing here? Moreover, how can you be able to get in? You are not 20 yet, right?"

"That's a s.e.c.r.e.t." Tegoshi said with a wink. Actually the answer of the question was pretty obvious. He just had to slip off Nishikido's name and everything was in his control. He let out a small laugh before he drank his beer in a gulp.

"Y-You..." Yamashita was left speechless. He had no idea of how Tegoshi was able to be here and that thought only bothered his mind so much. The nervousness feeling attacked him again, moreover with Tegoshi acted like he usually did, as if nothing had happened. But that somehow aroused his hope again.

Yamashita was about to question Tegoshi again when he found that the said person was acting strange, perhaps he was drunk. Wait a minute, drunk? He has just drunk only a glass, right?

"Senpai, what are you doing here alone?" Tegoshi asked while giggling. Typically the sign of a drunk guy. A sigh escaped from his mouth when he saw this and he knew that there was only one thing he had to do; taking Tegoshi out of here. Yamashita took a few sheets of money from his pocket before taking Tegoshi together with him, leaving the club...


It was indeed the right thing that Yamashita brought Tegoshi away, especially with his current condition. Unfortunately he didn't know where Tegoshi lived at so he had no other option but to bring Tegoshi to his house. It was so lucky of him that his parents were not at Japan currently or they would question him many things.

Since it seemed like Tegoshi had falled asleep and he himself was too tired of doing anything else, he took Tegoshi to a room beside his own room before going to his own room and had his own sleep. But that was the part Yamashita knew. He didn't even have the slightest idea that Tegoshi might haven't fallen asleep yet...


He woke up from the bed and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was 2 a.m. so everyone must have fallen asleep. Just in case he observed his surrounding while keeping an ear if a voice was still heard from the room beside his. He let out a sigh before taking a thing from his pocket. With a determined look on his face he stood up before approaching the unlocked door which connected this room with the room beside it.

Slowly, he opened the door. No voice... There shouldn't be any voice or the plan he had thought carefully would be ruined. A relief sigh was heard when he managed to get into the other room. His target was sleeping peacefully without knowing what he would face after this. He was feeling nervous but he couldn't escape either. All he could do was walking slowly and slowly until he reached the bed...


He had fallen asleep completely, but being the cautious guy he couldn't help to be distracted when he heard a soft sound of the opened door. Someone was coming nearby yet he didn't think that anything harm would be done so he decided to ignore it, especially when he knew who the person coming was, although he couldn't help to feel a bit curious. But when he finally felt a murderous feeling, he woke up immediately as his left hand caught the other's hand which was about to stab him with the knife it was holding.

He simply stared at the other with a daring look as he noticed that the other was indeed surprised that he was able to stop him at the last minute. A mixed feeling stayed inside his heart especially when all he could see was the confusion at the other's face.

"Y-Ya--" he took the other into his embrace even before the other was able to finish his sentence. He felt the tears which coming out from the big round eyes while he patted his head.

"I-I'm sorry senpai... I-I..." before the other was able to finish his sentence he caught his mouth and tightened his embrace.

I could only hope that this would shed your tears away...

E/N : I am an evil! That's why I left it there.. Muwahahahaa....
Ah well, I'm a bit bouncy today. Can anyone believe that I finished this chapter on my philosophy class earlier with my communicator? Muwahahaha.. I mean, writing a yaoi in my class? ahahaha. Well, it's not about the class itself since until now I still couldn't get the idea why dentistry student must learn philosophy, moreover with that kind of dean, but but... There were my friends! Boys, girls.. Muwahahahaha.... LoL.. I'll show a bit of my conversation with my friend, Lina when I was busy on this.

Lina (L) : Vi, what are you doing?
Me (D) : Errr... Typing?
L : What are you typing anyway?
D : Err.. My material paper?

Muwahahahaha... Oh my oh my... The most hilarious thing was that I've told Lina that I had finished my material paper 2 days ago. Aahhaha.. And she believed me! lol~

Ah well, sooo... The rating will definitely be higher on the next chapter. Ahaha.. Not now, yet.. I'm saving the angsty etc thing on the next chapter. However, I'm a bit concerned with my grammar.. Hate my grammar and I'm also too lazy on re-reading this *sigh*
So, would anyone like to be my beta for this? :DD

Last word, I love Ryo's new solo so much ♥♥♥
(Now I bet you'll be even more confused of whom I will kill in this fic later. lolol... I'm indeed an evil.)

g : angst, p : tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa, p : nishikido ryo/tegoshi yuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter

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