Fake [Chapter 10]

Jun 02, 2009 18:58

Title: Fake
Author: love_akira
Pairing: PiDa (mainly), Akame(start this chapter), slightly Ohkuda, Kameda, and some others
Rating: PG - 13 for now
Disclaimer: We don't own them sadly... :(
Summary: Yamashita Tomohisa, the prince of the school. His crush to Nishikido Ryo lead him to meet Tat - chan or Ueda Tatsuya who is such a mysterious guy.
Notes: A collaboration fic between dephi and love_akira. dephi will write the odd chapters while love_akira write the even chapters.

Tat-chan looked around the room, taking in its appearance. It was quite different from the rooms he had been before. Ryo’s room wasn’t messy but not entirely clean either. But his room definitely reflected the man Ryo was. And the thing that Tat-chan immediately took a liking about this room was that it had something that was lacking in Tat-chan’s own big and spacious room. Ryo’s room had this warmth and gave a feeling of calm to Tat-chan. He didn’t know why he felt that way but he was sure he would never step out of this room if he was given a choice.

“Oh, that was Hiro and I when we were in elementary school.” A voice said from behind as Tat-chan picked up a photo stand.

He turned around to face Ryo who was drying his hair, the photo still in his hand. “You looked different.”

Ryo grinned. “I was adorable back then, now I am sexy.”

Tat-chan crinkled his nose. “How Hiro put up with you, I’ll never know.”

“You actually look good.” Ryo commented, looking Tat-chan up and down.

Tat-chan blushed but tried to cover it. “It’s not your clothes. It’s ‘because I’m already that good looking.”

After standing under the rain and hugging and some crying in Tat-chan’s part, Ryo had brought him to his house. He had even given him a change of clothes- Ryo’s clothes. It was just a worn out T-shirt with some 80s band’s sticker on it and a pair of loose pants which was really loose around Tat-chan’s waist but only reached until the above of his ankles.
Ryo reluctantly admitted that the pants were fit size but slightly longer for him.

Tat-chan had jokingly called Ryo a Shorty and Ryo had just smiled, pointing out that Tat-chan was finally back to his usual mood again, no more crying.


“So, I was thinking we could make something for the dinner. My parents won’t be at home tonight; actually they won’t be home until next week. They are on a business trip.” Ryo trailed off awkwardly, not being used to having others people over at his house except Uchi, Pi and Jin. And this was weirder because the person who was with him right now was Tat-chan, the one Ryo was sure he was crushing on.

“I can’t cook to save myself.” Tat-chan replied, ignoring the awkwardness.
Ryo smiled. “But I do. I can make something edible for both of us.”

“What? You, Nishikido Ryo, Cook?” Tat-chan burst out laughing.

Ryo’s face twisted into a frown. “What’s so funny about that?”

“No, no. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting that. You seem so…manly.”

“Hey, cooking doesn’t make me gay.”

“Oh yeah, and kissing another guy?”

Ryo opened his mouth to say something but then nothing came out, the event of him kissing Tat-chan vividly playing in his head.

“I…I was just…” Tat-chan tried to say something. He was just joking around.

Tat-chan never got to finish whatever he was going to say because Ryo had captured his lips in a swift movement.


“Holy…” Mrs Uchi covered her mouth before any cursing words came out.

“It’s just me, mom.” Hiroki said, looking up from the PSP in his hands.

Mrs Uchi composed herself before speaking, “You just scared the living day out of me. I thought you weren’t in here.”

“This is my room, mom.”

Mrs Uchi nodded, closing the door and walking further into the room.

“It’s just that you usually will be over at Ryo-chan’s at this time. So, I didn’t expect to see you.”

“I just don’t feel like going.” Uchi went back to playing his game.

Mrs Uchi noticed something was wrong although her son hid well with his expressionless face. But really, one thing Hiroki didn’t know was that him not going over to the young Nishikido’s place was already an unusual thing.

But Mrs Uchi just let it go; knowing too well that her son didn’t want to talk about it right now.

“Well, at least switch on the light. It’s already dark outside.” Mrs Uchi went to switch on but Hiroki protested, saying he liked it dark.

“Ok, as you wish. Dinner will be ready soon and go and take a bath. It’s disgusting to stay in school uniform that long.” With that Mrs Uchi was gone.

Hiroki rolled his eyes. His mother was such a neat freak.


Jin was not happy. Ok, not happy was a vast understatement. He sighed, kicking a pebble on the ground.

It was embarrassing enough that he was confessing to a guy but when that guy didn’t even respond but just hang up the phone, Jin didn’t know how to deal with. He wasn’t sure how he was going to face Kamenashi.

“Hey kid, watch where you are going.” Jin nodded dumbly.

“High school students nowadays, tsk, didn’t even say sorry…” The guy Jin bumped into complained annoyingly and Jin tuned it out. He continued walking aimlessly, not paying attention to his surrounding.

He almost jumped out of his skin when a heavy arm placed around his shoulder.

“Welcome back to earth, Akanishi-kun.” Jin turned so that he could get a better look at the person beside him.


“Yep, that’s me. So, what were you thinking about so deeply that you didn’t even hear me calling for you?”

“Oh, nothing. And I’m sorry.” Jin muttered.

Ohkura tilted his head, “Where are you heading then?”

“Nowhere.” Jin answered. Ohkura didn’t remove his arm around from Jin’s shoulder and Jin didn’t mind it either.

“Then, come with me.”

Ohkura didn’t wait for Jin’s reply. Jin just nodded since he really didn’t feel like going home yet.


“You…you are horrible.” Jin pointed his finger at Ohkura, face red.

“Oh, come on. It’s just waiting tables.”

“I know but it’s waiting tables at Kazuya’s mother’s restaurant.” Jin emphasized on Kazuya.

“I knew it. You were thinking about our Kame, weren’t you?”


Ohkura had dragged him to that same restaurant Jin had been saved by Kame. It happened that the restaurant needed someone to stand in for one of the waiters and requested Ohkura to be the stand in. He was on his way to the restaurant to apologize the manager since he couldn’t be the stand in. And to Jin’s horrible luck, Ohkura spotted him and decided to replace Jin at his place.

“Relax man, Kame is not gonna be here tonight.”

As soon as Ohkura finished the sentence, the door to the locker room opened and Kame came in.

“Tacchon, you are here. Have you heard anything from Tat-chan?” Kame didn’t notice Jin as he hurried over to Ohkura and started bubbling about the event at the school and how he could not call Tat-chan.

“Relax, Kazu.” Ohkura put his hands on both of Kame’s shoulder, “He called me and told me that he is at a friend’s house and his phone didn’t work because rain water got into it.”

Kame sighed, relief. He somehow knew that friend was Nishikido Ryo. He relaxed a little and leant against Ohkura, putting his head on Ohkura’s shoulder and wrapping his hands around the latter’s waist.

Jin stared at the picture before him- stared as Ohkura drew imaginary circles on Kame’s back, stared as the two seemed to sway side to side slowly.


Kame jumped at the sudden sound and abruptly turned around just to find Akanishi Jin in a black and white waiter uniform and staring intensely at him.

“Jin?” When did he come here? Or was Jin already here when he came in? He didn’t even notice Jin as he was in a hurry and so worried about Tat-chan.


“What are you doing here?” Kame was just curious, really. But his voice sounded like he didn’t like Jin to be here.

Jin tried to conquer a smile to hide his disappointment. “I…”

“I asked him to help out in my place. I’ve gotta go to some place.” Ohkura answered for him.

Kame raised a brow at Ohkura, “Some place?”

Ohkura nodded with a half-smile. “Bartending. My friend is sick, so he wants me to replace him.”

Kame pouts. “Mou, so you rather help that bartender friend of yours than my mother.”

“Yap.” Ohkura’s reply was fast. “So, I’ll be going now since you are here. See ya.” Ohkura walked away, throwing a careless wave over his shoulder.

“I…I think it’s time to go out and help.” Jin was not able to look at Kame’s eyes.

Kame, sensing the discomfort in Jin, reached out to stop Jin from going anywhere. “This afternoon, what did you say when you called me?”

Jin looked up, shocked. “I…it’s nothing. Just…”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear it. I was too busy looking at Tat-chan. So, can you say whatever it is again?” Kame had a feeling that he really needed to know what Jin said. Because it seemed like it was very important for Jin.

Relief washed over Jin. So, Kame didn’t hear him, Kame wasn’t ignoring him-well in a way, he was but he didn’t hear it so there was still a hope that Kame may like him back.

Jin opened his mouth to repeat the same confession when the door opened again to reveal the restaurant’s manager who demanded Jin to get to work right then.


“Ah, I’m so glad he managed to get you. I am sorry to call you up like this but I can’t cancel my appointment either.” The club owner smiled dizzily at Ohkura.

“It’s no problem. I am sorry that my friend falls sick on you.”

“Well, it’s not like he planned to get sick intentionally.” The owner said understandingly. “So, I heard you are quite good at mixing drinks?”

“I used to learn from him.” Yasuda was one of the few people Ohkura called his real friends. That man was a senpai from his high school. And maybe only one who really understood him in that whole school.

“Ah, if he was your mentor, then I trust you with my bar.” The owner patted Ohkura’s shoulder, he then glanced at his wrist watch, “If I wanna be on time, I have to leave now. Bye.” And he was gone.

Ohkura came out from the changing room and took in the surrounding. It was the usual atmosphere of a nightclub-loud music, people dancing, making out, just drinking, and getting shit-faced and such. Ohkura made his way to the bar at one side of the club where a bartender much older looking than him handling drinks.


The man looked up with confusion until sudden realization drawn on him. “You are Yassan’s replacement?”

“That’ll be me. Yep.”

“Great, then get to work. I can’t handle all of them and there are more people to come.”

Ohkura nodded, smiling as an apology.


As the night grew old, more people streamed into the club. Ohkura lost count of the numbers of drinks he had mixed and served. That bartender who seemed to have doubted him was now pleased with his skills.

A tall, slim and pale boy strode to the bar with much confidence and placed an order. Ohkura took in the boy’s appearance. He was quite effeminate with his fluffy dark hair and green eyes, must be contacts and he was wearing faint eyes liners which were just visible. He was wearing a dark green low necked sweater which fit him perfectly and brought out the light of his contact lens covered eyes. The black skinny jeans hung on his hip bones and hugged his hips just nicely and they almost looked like second skin. The dark colors of his clothes and his pale skin made him looked almost ethereal.

All and all that boy was sexy and Ohkura didn’t mind going to bed with him but he was very sure that boy was not of the age of drinking yet.

“I can’t give you your drink.” He said. “Uchi Hiroki-kun.”

The said boy’s lips curled up into a little smirk. “Fancy seeing you here, Ohkura Tadayoshi-kun.”

They, of course, knew each others through Tat-chan. Besides, Uchi was a student president and he sure lived up to his name. There wasn’t much thing he didn’t know about.

“So, what is the respectably great A student doing here in the 21 and older club?”

“To get drunk and have some fun.” Hiroki replied without missing a beat.

“How did you get in?”

“Have my connections. Now just give me the drink.”

“I can’t let underage kids get drunk.” Ohkura said, smiling.

“I am not an underage here, so just give me the fucking drink.”

“Wow, such foul language. Who would have thought that Uchi Hiroki would swear or worse in a club, demanding an alcoholic drink.” Ohkura smirked, not moving an inch to make a drink.

“What I do with my life outside of school is nobody’s business.” Hiroki hissed but his smile still on his lips.

A guy walked pass and slapped Hiroki’s ass, winking. Hiroki glared at him, his smile icy.

“If you are not giving me, then I will go and ask him.” Hiroki said, turning to go over to the other end of the bar where the other bartender was.

Ohkura watched the exchange between Hiroki and the bartender. That man’s face lit up as soon as he spotted Hiroki and started mixing the drink before Hiroki ordered. Taking the glass, thanking him with a sultry smile, Hiroki walked back to Ohkura.


“You are a regular, aren’t you?”

“No. I came here only when I’m depressed which is quite rare.” Hiroki took a sip of his drink. “But they still managed to remember me.”

Ohkura could see why that was. If Uchi Hiroki looked like that every time he came to the club, there was no way someone could forget him. He was sex with two legs. Ohkura had only met him twice before and both time Uchi was in school uniforms. Ohkura’s impressions of him used to be “Cute, innocent, quite pretty and smart.” Now was like a whole different Uchi, like his evil twin, not that he looked evil but he was definitely looking deliciously edible. And not definitely the image a Second Year Student President Uchi Hiroki put up at School.

“Hey, since when you work here?”

“Since tonight.” Ohkura said, handing a drink to another customer.

“Oh, so what are you working nights?” Hiroki’s finger traced the brim of the glass.

“I’m only working tonight. Stepping in for my friend.”

“Awww, well anyway, it’s nice seeing you.”

“You too.” Ohkura was quite annoyed with the other people who came to order drinks. He wanted to talk to Uchi without any interruption.

“Are you here alone?” Ohkura asked.

“Do you see anyone accompanying me?”

“No. But there are many who want to accompany you, it seems.” Ohkura said, seeing the obvious stares or glances of women and men towards Uchi.

“So, you are depressed?” Ohkura couldn’t seem to stop talking.

“Uh huh.”

“What’s wrong?”

“My best friend.”

He had heard from Tat-chan that Uchi Hiroki had a very close best friend…what was his name again? Ah Nishikido Ryo. Wait, aren’t Tat-chan with Nishikido Ryo, right now?

Ohkura studied the boy before him. Somehow, the boy looked lonely and he seemed almost lovesick.

A sly grin formed on Ohkura’s lips as his brain started working out.

“Nishikido is with someone right now, isn’t he?”

Uchi Hiroki looked surprised. “How did you…?”

Ohkura shook his head. “Can you stay out late?”

“Yeah.” Hiroki looked confused, not sure why Ohkura was asking.

“Well, then wait for me. We can go somewhere after I finish my friend’s shift.”

Hiroki stared suspiciously at Ohkura, thinking for a second. “Ok.” He then added. “But only if you let me more drink.” He held out his glass to Ohkura.

Ohkura sighed. He took the glass. “But when I say stop, you have to stop.”
Hiroki grinned happily, nodding his head.


Tat-chan came into the room through the opened door to find Ryo staring off of his window. He walked over to Ryo and bent down, his chin on Ryo’s shoulder, and looked at where Ryo was looking.

Ryo started and turned his head, his nose inches away from Tat-chan’s cheek.

“What are you looking at?” Tat-chan queried, staring curiously at the house next door.

“Ah, it’s Hiroki’s room.” Ryo explained, ignoring the little voice in his head which kept on saying how close Tat-chan was to him. And how he smelled so fresh and soapy- Ryo’s shower cream.

“It’s dark.” Tat-chan commented.

“Yeah. It’s weird. He doesn’t usually go to sleep at this time of night; it’s still early for him to sleep. Beside, I haven’t seen him since after the school. He is always over at my place but not today.” Ryo was worried, something might happen to Hiroki. But then, if something really happened, Hiroki would call and inform him. Where is he? Is he really sleeping earlier than he does? Or is he sick?

“Hmm, you two are really close, ne.” Tat-chan said, turning his head to look at Ryo. That caused his cheek to brush slight with Ryo’s nose.

Ryo inhaled deeply, his head filled with Tat-chan’s scent and everything of Tat-chan. He lost all of his consciousness and suddenly pulled Tat-chan into a deep kiss.

Tat-chan was fast to response although he was quite shocked.

Ryo laid on the bed, pulling Tat-chan down on him. They kissed until both of them were breathless and panting.


“You smell so nice.” Ryo whispered.

“You shouldn’t do this.” Tat-chan said, pushing himself up. “It’s dangerous.”

“Why?” Ryo held on to Tat-chan’s hand, preventing him from moving off his body.

“You don’t want to get involve with me. I’m not who you think I am.”

“I don’t understand. But if you are talking about your reputation at school, I don’t really care.”

“I’m really vulnerable right now, Ryo. So I’ll sway to anyone who shows affection to me. I’m not just a slut that everyone thinks. I’m much worse than that.”

“Then, let me be the one that you sway to.”

“Ryo, you don’t understand. You will never get love from me. I…” I don’t even know what Love is. And there is her…

“Tat-chan, I don’t want love from you. I don’t even know whether what I’m feeling for you is love. I just want you.”

Tat-chan stared at Ryo for a whole minute before sighing deeply and leaning back down to put his lips on Ryo’s. Ryo’s hands immediately wrapped around Tat-chan’s back and pulled him closer.

Just like that, they shared kisses and talked in whispers until they fell into a dreamless sleep in each other’s embrace.


“Here.” Ohkura handed a can of soda to the boy sitting right before him on the platform.

Hiroki took it gratefully and gulped down half of it. “Ah, it feels good. I was so thirsty.”

“It’s really late, you should go home.” Ohkura said, sitting down beside him. After leaving the club, they had indulged themselves in the nightlife of Tokyo. It wasn’t that much. But Ohkura was sure he at least managed to get the misery out of the young boy. Just for a little while, he was sure he was able to make Hiroki forgot Nishikido Ryo.

“I don’t want to go home.” Hiroki said, looking down at his shoes.

Ohkura didn’t really understand why he wouldn’t want to go home. It was not like he was going to have to see Ryo if he went back home. Or maybe he had to.

Ohkura looked at the boy beside him and he was shocked to see the same expression he had seen on Tat-chan. Hiroki looked just like Tat-chan when he had heard the news that his mother was as good as dead and when his beloved piano was taken away. Hiroki looked just like his precious treasure had been taken away from him and he had already lost hope of getting it back.

Ohkura reached out to ruffle Hiroki’s hair, starting the young boy.
Hiroki then glared at Ohkura, realizing what he had done to his perfect hair. “You are messing my hair.” Hiroki swatted off Ohkura’s hand.
Ohkura chuckled, that kid is really cute. “Maa, then let’s go to my place. We can try out this new game I’ve got last week.” Ohkura stood up and he held out his hand for Hiroki to take.

Hiroki peered at the hand through his long fringes. His lips curled into a small smile and he took the offered hand, allowing Ohkura to pull him up to his feet.

“I’m going to beat you on that new game.” Hiroki said, still trying to comb his hair with his fingers.

“Not if I can help it.” Ohkura replied. “And stop doing that, you are making it looks more like a big mess.”

“And whose fault was that?” Hiroki huffed, ignoring Ohkura’s comment.

p : akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter, p : ueda tatsuya/yamashita tomohisa

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