First polling...

May 21, 2009 15:55

Well yeah, first of all, I change my layout. It'll be completed soon, uh probably sometime around June.. ^^;;

So well, let's go to the polling itself. I've been thinking about it, there're a couple of my old fics which I somehow want to uh, re-write? Let's just call it remixing. I might or might not retain the pairing(s), add/reduce some parts, change the length (one-shot --> multichapter/ multichapter --> one-shot/ multi-chanpet --> longer multichapter).

So, the point is, I'd like to know which story would you like to be re-written the most? Most probably, I'm not going to post it on communities, well at least not until it's completed.

So yeah. Feel free to dump your thoughts by leaving a comment, perhaps your preferences? All comments will be screened, and in case you have a question, etc, I'll respond back via lj pm. Ah, the result for the poll is viewable for me-only. Sorry, it's just my ego.

Thanks :))

Poll Fic to be remixes

p/s: I know.. Masterpiece isn't yet finished... But the problem is, ever since I lost the draft, I was unable to remember what I should put after that. So perhaps, I might just re-write it from the first. Once again, I might or might not retain the pairing :))

layout change, polling, *non-fic

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