Fake [Chapter 9]

Feb 17, 2009 20:26

Title: Fake
Author: dephi
Pairing: PiDa (mainly), Akame, Ryoda
Rating: PG-13 now..
Disclaimer: We don't own them sadly... :(
Summary: Yamashita Tomohisa, the prince of the school. His crush to Nishikido Ryo lead him to meet Tat - chan or Ueda Tatsuya who is such a mysterious guy.
Notes: A collaboration fic between me and love_akira. I'll write the odd chapters while love_akira writes the even chapters.

Uchi walked playfully along the corridor, humming some random tunes. It was not a strange thing to be seen from the president of school council, especially when he was famous for his too relaxed self, despite the fact that he held the highest responsibility on the council.

People thought that he was a guy with a slight strange side which was easy to understand. But in fact, Uchi was a complex one. It was him who decided to let others seeing him that way. Sometimes looked like a fool, sleeping in every chances possible. It was not a wonder that people thought of him that way, despite the fact that he managed to get the third rank on his year, not even once had he failed to maintain it.

Just by those facts, it was easy to see that Uchi was a clever guy. He rarely study but his test results were always satisfying. If Ryo achieved his position by hard works, then everything simply came to Uchi without him letting out even a single sweat. That was just how Uchi Hiroki did his works.

A playful smile was eventually curved in Uchi's mouth as he continued his walk. Things looked just amusing for him. He held the secrets of many, and not even once did he leak it out. Secrecy was his policy. He knew the answers of most questions the students had, even the most mysterious one; who was Ueda Tatsuya?

"Hey you, a guy with an idiotic smile!" Uchi immediately turned around when he heard that voice. The smile disappeared slowly before it re-appeared again when Uchi saw a small figure standing there.

"Yuya - chan! Hey, that's rude." he let out a small chuckle.

The guy called Yuya, or Tegoshi Yuya to be exact, grinned at the taller man. "Oh really? Your smile looks so meaningless anyway. And, what are you doing here?"

Uchi stared at his younger cousin, yes, his COUSIN, before scanning his surrounding. At the end he realized that he was on freshmen's territory. "Oh, I think I took the wrong way. I was about to return back to my class, but this..." he shook his head slowly, "...isn't even near to my class."

Tegoshi let out a chuckle when he heard Uchi's reason. "Have you been daydreaming too much or what? Anyway, shouldn't you say a little hi to your cousin?" Tegoshi looked at his older cousin with his puppy eyes.

Without them realizing it, or actually they were only acting as if they didn't notice it at all, some students, especially girls, were looking at them. Gasps and little screams were heard when the infamous Tegoshi Yuya's cute puppy eyes were shown.

Uchi was the one who took notice of it, or at least he was the one who initiated to end the commotion who was so apparent though both of them still pulled their act, and he gave a sweet smile to the younger boy. "Hi, Yuya - chan~" he said before he pulled his cousin away from the commotion. Better be in secret than ruining their image, right?

...or so what Uchi thought when he heard his younger cousin's whimpers. That was when he realized that he had grabbed Tegoshi's hand tightly until there was a red mark on it.

"It hurts..." Tegoshi whined before glaring and pouting at his older cousin. "You are so rude, Hiroki!"

"I'm sorry about that. I thought we'd better not making any commotion, right?" Uchi reasoned. If possible, he didn't want to lose against Tegoshi.

"That's correct too, but I can't help it." Tegoshi tucked his tongue. "...and judging from that, you're thinking of something wicked, right?"

Tegoshi's guess was partly right, but Uchi didn't want to admit that directly. Well, at least he was not intending something wicked, right?

"Oh, you are not going to answer it? I take it as a yes, then. You have to count me in!" a devilish smirk was curved on Tegoshi's mouth.

"I haven't stated anything!"

"Well, but I am correct, right?" a 'Tegoshi-is-God' smile was pasted on his face.

Uchi pouted. For some reason, it was hard for him to defeat Tegoshi in this kind of fight, especially when the younger one seemed to possess the same ability as he did, or maybe even surpassed him, although Uchi didn't want to admit his defeat to the younger boy no matter what. "Not really. Yes, I am planning something, but it's not wicked. Stop accusing me!"

"Hmm~" Tegoshi chuckled. It was amusing to see Uchi acting like a small boy, despite his tall mature appearance. "So, spill the beans. I'm up for anything~"

"Oh... It's just about trivial matters concerning my friends..."

"Your friends? As in Ryo or that mysterious Ueda Tatsuya who is..." Tegoshi lowered his voice and scanned around his surrounding to make sure that nobody would be able to overhear their conversation. "...commonly known as Tat - chan?"

Uchi's eyes grew wider immediately. "How did you know that he's Tat - chan?"

"Oh... You have your way as the president of student's council, right? I have my own way too, Hiroki - chan. Don't underestimate me!" the devilish smirk stayed still.

Uchi bit his lower lip before letting out a heavy sigh. This little cousin of him was quite a threat for him. He had to be more careful next time. "Alright. Yes, those two, and another one is bothering me. It's-"

"Yamashita Tomohisa, or Pi, right?" Tegoshi grinned widely.

That was hell annoying and if possible Uchi would really like to smack the younger boy's head. There were too many questions he wanted to ask, and Tegoshi's 'I AM GOD' attitude didn't help at all. "If you've known that much, then why would you question me over and over?"

"For entertainment purposes?" the younger guy giggled. "Alright, I was just joking. Believe me, I only know things until that extent. So?"

"You..." Uchi let out another heavy sigh. "Uh well... They are just... too complicated. Pi is having his little crush on Ryo, while Ryo, even though he doesn't realize it, has started to develop a feeling to Tat - chan, and Tat - chan... Seriously, I can't say much about him. But I know he has taken a little interest on Pi, yet he's still fooling around, while the scar in his heart bring him closer to Ryo."

"Eh~" Tegoshi grinned. "Then what are you planning to do? Hooking them up or something?"

"Not really, I am not that kind. I just want to entertain myself." a wide grin was pasted on Uchi's mouth. "I'm alright with whatever result it will turn into."

"Even if it means you might lose Ryo?"

Uchi gazed upon the younger boy and gave a small nod. "Yes..."


Tat - chan almost decided to skip going to school, but decided against it as the thought of his step mom haunted him. Hell he was going to be bothered by her again. He wouldn't let her to, especially after she had purposely declared her real intention the previous day.

It was quite shocking for him when she heard that woman's confession yet he was not able to do anything about it. What a shame. He was the one saying that he would ignore that woman, but it was hard to do so as she kept on sticking her nose in front of Tat - chan.

Didn't she have anything to do other than this?

Seriously, it had been bugging him these days the most. No matter how much effort Tat - chan gave to move it away from his brain, it still remained there, haunting him over and over. How dare she, declaring that her real target was him, not his father. What he found most surprising was the fact that after ruining his family, she still had the guts to say that straightly to Tat - chan.

A sigh escaped his mouth as he stared upon the sky while lying on the grass of their school's back garden. The class had been started since 10 minutes ago, yet he didn't feel like attending it. Most teachers, if not all, knew that he was actually the infamous Ueda Tatsuya, who took the first spot without failed even once. That was why none of them dared to warn him for skipping classes, especially when his family held a great power over the school.

Too bad, Tat - chan actually wanted to be scolded at some times. Either because of his annoying attitude, or others. But nobody did so. They feared his family's name, they feared his brain's ability, at the end they were afraid if anything would happen if they messed things up with Tat - chan.

Bored. That was how Tat - chan felt currently. Basically he couldn't find anything to do, so it made things even more boring than ever.

"Oh, you're here." a guy's voice was heard.

"Tacchon." Tat - chan stood up and gave a small smile to his best friend. The tall guy walked closer to his place, and apparently he was not alone. "Kazuya!"

"I skip my class too and I happen to meet Tacchon who was standing in around the school's front gate." Kame let out a small chuckle. "Or else he wouldn't be able to be inside here now."

"Hey!" Tacchon glared at Kame but the said guy simply laughed over it.

"Oh, why are you guys here anyway?" Tat - chan asked.

Kame stopped laughing and approached Tat - chan's side, sitting beside him, followed by the tallest guy. "You look different this day."

"Different as in what?"

"Attitude, also the way you talk." Tacchon replied. "You daydream a lot these days." he took his cigarrette pack and was about to lit the fire when Kame took it and threw it to the nearest bin. "You're not going to make both of us being suspended, right?"

"Alright alright. I won't smoke. Satisfied?" Tacchon let out a snort. "Anyway, you need to explain things to us, Tat - chan."

The third heavy sigh escaped Tat - chan's mouth again. Sometimes both of his best friend could be so demanding. He didn't know whether he should be grateful about it, or annoyed by it.

"That woman..."

"What is it with that whore?" Kame asked immediately.

"She said... She actually wants me instead of my dad..." another heavy sigh was released.

"She did WHAT?!"

"Oh my, Tat - chan! You've got to be kidding me!"

Both Tacchon and Kame screamed in hysteria because of that, partly because it was so unbelievable, but then there was no point for Tat - chan to be lying over that matter. After all, he would get no benefit my doing so. Besides, it concerned the wicked step mother of Tat - chan who he hated so much.

"I'm not lying..." Tat - chan murmured, sulking.

"A-And then? What did she do after that?" Kame asked in an unsure tone. Although it was hard to believe that, he knew that there was still the possibility, even if it was only for 0,1%.

"Nothing. She simply left with her evil laugh. Oh, I don't know what to do now..." if possible, Tat - chan really wanted to escape from that house, but then he knew how horrible his father could be if he did that, so he was against that at the end.

"We'll be there, in case you need help, Tat - chan. So don't hesitate to ask us." Tacchon said while he patted his best friend's head.

A small smile appeared in Tat - chan's face as he murmured his thanks. Having these two considerate friends was the best thing had ever happened on his life.


Morning quickly turned into afternoon, and when everyone realized it, it was already the end of school that day.

A beautiful tune with a fast tempo was heard from the far east side of the school's building. Two guys were inside the room on the corner, one of them was simply leaning to the wall while closing his eyes, trying to enjoy the melody.

It was one of Chopin's composition. The fingers playing it were thin but still managed to play it beautiful. Only a few misses was done, but he managed to cover each of his mistakes perfectly, creating a beautiful play to be heard.

The song finally reached its end, and the first guy opened his eyes slowly. "As beautiful as ever, Tat - chan..." a smile was curved. "...or should I call you with Tatsuya instead since you're in your pianist mode."

Tat - chan let out a small chuckle. "Tat - chan is alright, Uchi. Thanks for the compliment anyway."

"You deserve it." Uchi's smile grew wider. "It is such a shame that you're unable to continue this path."

"Oh, am I?" a sad lonely smile was pasted in Tat - chan's mouth. Being a pianist was the dream he had tried to achieve all of these time, yet the problem he had with his father ruined everything. Looking back at his past, Tat - chan realized how things were much better during that time. His mother was still alive, and the kind father showered him with love. Everything was changed after his mother was in comma. All of a sudden, his perfect world turned into hell and that woman made her appearance in Ueda's household.

Tat - chan knew that he couldn't put all faults to his father. His father had given all what he got to cure his mother. But frustation led him to who he is currently.

Tat - chan shook his head as he realized what he had been doing. Why should he be pondering over the past which he couldn't go through again?

"What's wrong, Tat - chan?" Uchi asked in a worried tone.

Tat - chan realized how he had been ignoring Uchi earlier and shook his head. "Nothing. Just remembering things."

"Are you sure?" Uchi stared at him. He had been wondering over the sudden changes in Tat - chan's acts these days, but then he knew that it was none of his business, and he didn't want to meddle in other's business either, so he remained silent about it. That was of course, only until today.

"Yes, I guess..." the same lonely smile was seen. Honestly, Tat - chan was not that sure if he was actually alright. Many things had been bugging him, and he just couldn't take it out of his mind. His past, his current life, his future. He didn't know whether he would still be able to have a bright future in this condition.

"Oh well..." Uchi shook his head slowly. "I won't force you if you don't want to." he said before looking over the watch hanging on the wall and moving away to the window, noticing how a few droplets of water started falling down from the sky. "I think...I had better go now. You should go home soon too. It's raining outside." Uchi said before giving his smile and opened the door. He stopped for a second when he noticed that there was a familiar face waiting outside, but he regained his composure fast and gave another smile to the guy in waiting before leaving the place completely.


The soccer practice was delayed when the coach saw how dark the sky had been. Black clouds dominated the sky, and a loud sound was heard once. The practice had to be ended no matter what.

Pi didn't really know how to spend the rest of his day now since the practice was ended. No tests, no assignments, he really had nothing to do. That was why he decided to stay still at the school, although rain started pouring down from the sky.

He ran immediately to the nearest building to avoid the rain, and just when he arrived there, a beautiful tune caught his attention. He had heard this a few times before, but didn't manage to know who the person playing it was.

Unconsciously, he had walked in search of the source of the tune. It was purely his curiousity which led him to the far east side of the building. Unfortunately, the tune was suddenly gone, so he couldn't track where the source was anymore. Today luck was not on his side, probably.

But it seemed like it was not the case. A door was suddenly being opened and he saw the tall president coming out from a room. A smile was given for him, yet he was too shocked to give any respond, until Uchi left him standing alone.

Another beautiful tune was being played again, and this time he was sure where it came from. The opened door made the voice being clearly heard, and when he realized it, he had been standing right in front of the door. He didn't know who played it as he was too enchanted by the melody, but it didn't really matter that much as he wanted to enjoy the song properly.

It took another few minutes until the song finally reached its end. Unconsciously, Pi clapped his hands. It touched his heart so much. It had been long since he was able to enjoy such a beautiful tone.

But the happy peaceful condition couldn't be ended that way.

"Y-You! Why the hell are you here?!" Tat - chan screamed, both of his eyes were widened.

Pi's eyes grew wide too when he finally realized who was playing the piano earlier. I couldn't be... No matter how much he wanted to deny it, the figure he hated so much was standing there. But because of that, he was not able to think properly anymore.

"I'm amazed of how a guy like you is able to play the piano properly. It seemed like I've underestimated you." the words slided out of his mouth instantly.


"I don't know what kind of trick you have, but I'm sure it's not a good thing. I regret enjoying this now. I bet this is just one of the game you're trying to play."

Tat - chan didn't say anything upon that, instead he stared at Pi with a teary eyes. "You know nothing about me, so you are not allowed to say that. No, not that..." with that Tat - chan went away, leaving the dumbfounded Pi.

What have I done?


The rain was pouring hard, but he didn't care about it at all. Tat - chan simply ran and ran. The words directed to him earlier tore a deep scar inside his heart. He just couldn't take it anymore.

His clothes were all wet, but he didn't care. The rain was getting even harder, but he kept on walking. Why did he have to experience this all? He didn't know. There were so many people, but why should it be him? Why couldn't God chose any other guy?

He finally stopped under a big tree on tha back gardent. Tears which he couldn't hold any longer falling down one by one. It hurt.

"Y-You... What are you doing here...?" a guy with a black umbrella suddenly appeared. Tat - chan was so desperate and when he realized it, the other one had put him on his embrace. It hurt, it hurt so much. He wanted to hold on someone, or he would be broken.

Somebody, save me...


Kame didn't like how it had to be raining when Jin called him. Seriously, the rain ruined it all as he couldn't hear what Jin was trying to tell him with.

"I-I like you." Jin said.

Unfortunately, he said it not in the right timing.

From afar, Kame spotted a certain vice president of their school's student council in a black umbrella approaching another guy who seemed to be familiar. His guess turned out to be right when he confirmed that it was his best friend, Tat - chan. But why was he like that? He didn't seem to be in a good state.

Kame's eyes were widened when he saw what happened next. Nishikido Ryo hugged his Tat - chan, and Tat - chan, instead of letting it go, circled his hands around the other one.

Kame blinked his eyes a few times, but it seemed like his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. Biting his lower lip, he could only saw that incident, until both guys were out of his sight.

What the hell in the world is happening actually?

p : akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter, p : ueda tatsuya/yamashita tomohisa, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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