Memories [Prologue]

Feb 04, 2009 20:11

Title: Memories
Author: dephi
Pairing: Pitego
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG - 13 for the angst
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the characters
Summary: The promised they made should be fulfilled. Yet a person halted him right when he was about to proceed. Would he do it at last, or would he break the promise instead?
Notes: I'm back with a new multichaptered fic and short prologue again... :D

It was a nice sunny day when two little kid, one of them was a boy while the other was a girl, were playing together, running all around the garden. It was green with a little bit of colourful flowers scattered around the wide garden. The wind blew hard, despite how hot the sun was, making the weather perfectly nice and enjoyable.

Both the little boy and girl were running, trying to catch each other. Wide smile and cheerful laugh were heard everywhere as they enjoyed every moment they had together.

The boy was called Yuya while the girl was Miki. It was April 9, when Miki celebrated her birthday in this nice summer day. Yuya was living in neighbourhood while both parents were friends, so Yuya was already used to be invited to the big villa Miki's family owned, which they usually visited during holiday or special occasions.

The two parents were having their conversation inside the villa, while they simply let their children having their fun time together on the backside garden.

It was until Miki was suddenly tripped down that both of them stopped laughing. At first, Yuya thought that she was crying as there was a loud 'thud' sound heard when she fell down, but he only found laughter when he approached her.

'Yuya - chan, Yuya - chan. Come here!' Miki said while waving her hand. Yuya followed it obediently and sat on the grass when they were close enough to each other.

'Is that hurt, Miki - chan?'

'No, not at all. But it leaves a scar...' Miki pouted while she showed the scar on her leg beneath her pink dress.

Yuya giggled when he heard her complaint, only resulting a soft smack on his shoulder. 'Alright, I'm sorry, Miki - chan. What about this, I'll marry you, so you won't need to worry about any scars anymore.'

Miki's eyes grew wider, followed by a sweet smile pasted on her face. ‘Really, Yuya - chan? Promise?' she gave her pinky.

Yuya gave her pinky, and both of it were entwined. 'Yes, I promise. I will never leave you. Even when you die, I'll follow you.'

'Then, I'll do the same thing. It's our promise right, Yuya - chan?'

Yes, it's our promise...


The situation was so gloomy, as a few people were sitting on the benches, while looking at the red light in the upper side of the door. It had been 2 hours and yet they got so impatient about it.

Tegoshi bit his nails nervously. Fear, nervousness, impatience. They were all mixed inside his heart, creating an indescribable feeling which haunted him. Suddenly he stood up, before turning back to his seat immediately. Taking a short peek on the watch hanging on the wall, Tegoshi could feel how his heart was beating so hard.

The red light was suddenly off, as a few minutes later two guys, one in white robes, while the other wearing green clothes, came out as a pair of middle aged couple immediately approached them. Tegoshi quickly followed from behind.

Word by word came out as sobs eventually turned into cries. His heart was suddenly shattered into pieces while his brain was trying to digest each words both doctors were saying slowly between the sobs the pairs had.


E/N: I'm back this fast. And this is just another angst multichapter I created again. So, any comments? :D

g : angst, p : tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa, r : pg-13, *multichapter

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