Two questions for my flist/the fannish hivemind/the internet:
1. What's the current or upcoming Fandom That Eats Fandom? My vague sense is that SPN is receding as a megafandom, and ST:Reboot never quite got the critical mass, lacking weekly new episodes to keep people coming back, but what the heck do I know, the st_xi_kinkmeme was huge, and maybe his trenchcoat-y-ness is still converting fangirls.
2. What TV should I be watching? Is there anything good this season? Alternately, anything good five seasons ago that everyone missed? I don't necessarily mean fannishly, just that the other day I had free time and tried to think of what I want to go acquire in a totally non-piratical fashion and couldn't think of a damned thing.
a) I have a severe embarrassment squick. I can't get through a whole episode of arrested development.
b) I like procedurals, in a very soothing, what to watch with the brain turned off way, but they have to not be filmed in rape-o-vision (See: SVU)
c) Sitcoms give me hives. I feel this goes without saying, but maybe it doesn't?
3. (Bonus Question) Is Bones the only "Quirky Crime Solver & More Conventional Partner" detective show where the quirky one is the woman? I can't think of any others!
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