Things which I am predisposed to be biased in favour of in consequence of my involvement but rec to you anyway:
Vid -
Miss World, Criminal Minds, Elle. LC is much too modest to mention this, but I was instrumental in the making of this vid, watching it several times in its production and saying helpful things like "I don't know what it means, but I think I like it!" A vid about Elle, a character who left in season 2, and who hated violence against women in a particular way. Obvs, pay attention to warnings. LC had trouble with aspect ratios, so you may have to fiddle with your media player a bit, but it's worth it. And then y'all should come back here and be like, "This vid! OMG!" and I'll be like, "OMG, I know! I don't even know!" Or you could give the vidder feedback, I hear that's what the kids are doing nowadays.
Podfic -
jadesfire2808 made a
podfic of my Merlin fic,
Mount Badon, and do other people go through reading their fic along with the podficcer, squeeing at the way she gives line readings? It's like "Oooh, she said my comma!" Anyway, Jadesfire has a British accent, which makes me feel as if my fic has just become a million times more authentic, and a background in classics, so the Latin preamble was read by someone who did not, like me, copy and paste it blindly. Even more joy-filling-ly,
fish_echo requested it in
Fall Fandom Free-For-All, which means there are two, TWO! people who cared about this enough to make it happen. (Well, plausibly JadesFire is just a martyr to fandom challenges, but I prefer my story.)
Things which I have no particular involvement in:
Images -
cofax7 linked these
photos of women involved in WWII, and the
very first one gives me a clutch in the chest, a bizarre proud-to-be-American feeling (bizarre, since I'm basically not), and reminds me of the iconic
image from Iwo Jima. (The caption reflects a very America-centred memory of the war that immediately cured my misplaced swell of patriotism.)
Vid Challenge/Fest -
festivids: like Yuletide, but for vids! Min vid length of 1 minute, which means even those who vid only sporadically may find it doable.
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