Is it weird that I don't like Harry Potter but I do like Harry/Sirius?

Apr 19, 2011 00:39

It's hard to explain why I've never really gotten into the mammoth that is Harry Potter. I like JK Rowling as a person and a writer, but stories about kids put me to sleep and the first two movies put a really bad taste in my mouth. Since then I only watch the Rifftrax (Mystery Science Theater) versions of the movies, and I noticed a little ( Read more... )

harry/sirius, harry potter, slash

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Comments 48

xenjn April 19 2011, 06:03:08 UTC
<3 To be honest I don't even bother with the films, I enjoyed the books a lot more and some of the casting for the films just fail. That said...I WANT THIS PAIRING, TOO. My slash-whore head is screaming the same thing. It's always amusing to me how Sirius is all hyped up and ready to invite Harry to live with him only a few hours after they officially meet for the first time.

Though sure his aunt and uncle are mentally and physically abusing, he's completely ready to come live with Sirius the second he mentioned- No wait, sorry, he doesn't even let Sirius finish suggesting the idea and Harry interrupts basically a (OMGIDLOVETOLIVEWITHYOU!!!!!) To which Sirius is like (LOLOMGYAYTOTALLYYOUHAVETOOOOO)

This after Harry spends the whole fucking book thinking Black is out to KILL HIM. For fucks sake Rowling is goddamn amazing at implying so pairings in her books. The writing isn't amazing (hey, kids novels so I can't complain) but damn that woman knows how to keep slash fans addicted...

My point is. YES. Where is the fucking( ( ... )


brittanyksduh April 19 2011, 06:31:16 UTC


When Sirius invited Harry to live with him, and the way he said it, my eyes were like O.O
And don't even get me started on the gratuitous face-handling during the "the ones who love us never really leave us" bit towards the end. GUHHHHH, so much love.


xenjn April 19 2011, 06:36:26 UTC

Which begs the question: "If Sirius is (unconsciously) linking Harry to James...What the hell was going on between him and James when they were teens???"


I will not accept any Harry Potter fan above the age of 15 as mentally sane if they do not agree with that comment. :P


brittanyksduh April 19 2011, 06:42:12 UTC
That sounds an awful lot like their interaction in the films. Srsly, you should skim through PoA and OotP just for the loveliness (especially the latter). Speaking of, maybe I should skim through the books. Is he in Goblet of Fire at all? 'Cause he only showed up for one scene in the movie, and even then he was just a face in a fire.

"If Sirius is (unconsciously) linking Harry to James...What the hell was going on between him and James when they were teens???"

That's exactly why there's a bunch of Sirius/James out there. At least, that's what I've run into so far. And Sirius/Remus too, but...but...Sirius/Harry! ::armflail::

Whyyyyy is it becoming a trend of mine to love ships with little to no fandom love? -.-


larawander5 April 19 2011, 06:20:13 UTC
I will just leave this and this here ;)

See, in my mind there is a lot of fic, you just need to know where to look because the authors tend to hide themselves. That and the majority of fic that I can remember being posted was a couple of years ago so it is a matter of keeping the fandom memories up to date.


brittanyksduh April 19 2011, 06:33:40 UTC
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! <3

I swear, I kind of know where to look but I kind of don't. You are so lovely for dropping those links. =)


larawander5 April 19 2011, 06:49:14 UTC
Your welcome! I am happy to help!

Let me know if you want any more links/locations because I have been around the hp fandom since 2002. I have a lot of different options, but I did not want to overwhelm you, plus painless j can explain why the fics are so much better to read then I can.

Also, if you want any other pairing, do not hesitate to ask. I have literally read every pairing at one point or another. My all time favorite OTP of HP is HP/LV romance where they take over the world. *blink* yes, I freely admit that, because they can be really awesome together (once they gains a ounce of common sense).

Although, the one thing that is always in short supply that I want is Golden Trio Fic with Harry/Hermione/Ron because they can be so BAMF together. I am constantly on the prowl for that, but so far there is nothing really decent that I have found...Although somehow I did find a decent Hermione/Voldemort... yeah idek how that happened.


brittanyksduh April 19 2011, 06:51:22 UTC
Ooooo it's good to know such a great source of info. Once I comb through the first two links, it's probably a safe bet that I'll be back for more. XDDD


bigmamag April 19 2011, 08:01:28 UTC
Oh Harry Potter, I have such a history with you ( ... )


brittanyksduh April 19 2011, 08:40:22 UTC
Hm, I had no idea about most of the things you mentioned, except for Ginny. On screen I was like, "Really? This chick could not be more boring if she tried." And that kiss? TWILIGHT has better kisses than that crap, which is really saying something. To me, it felt like Hermione was already spoken for so Rowling had to shoehorn some random chick in for Harry because heaven forbid the hero ends up alone. >.>

I have no idea who Luna even is, which is apparently a testament to the film series' neglect. O.O


bigmamag April 19 2011, 17:24:33 UTC
You are definitely right about the shoehorning. I mean, even the movies didn't set her up as a love interest until the final book came out and in the sixth movie gave her more of a plot and they forgot the two scenes that are truly Harry/Ginny in every book until the sixth and they're not even that glaringly obvious because I was a bit miffed when Harry/Ginny came about. It was written horribly too, because I remember in the last book Harry goes off on this adventure WITHOUT Ginny and she just sort of waits around until he gets back. I feel like if she loved him or if she was integral to Harry, Rowling would have sent her on the adventure too, but of course that would feel wrong and it shows how WRONG it is ( ... )


brittanyksduh April 19 2011, 17:36:16 UTC
Ohhhhh THAT'S Luna, I remember her from OotP now. I liked her weirdness.

It's damn sad that message wound up being in HP, you'd think it'd be the exact opposite. -.-


spookyfbi April 19 2011, 14:13:24 UTC
Y'know, I picked up on that too! I've seen each of the films, but I never really got into the fandom or the shipping of it. But when I saw OOTP, I totally picked up on the Sirius/Harry vibes too! But my underage squick transferred it all to Sirius/James, and my headcanon decided that they were a couple and either Lilly was a surrogate because she was their friend, or she was involved with both of them as well and it was some kind of threesome or something. I was merrily shipping them for the rest of the film when BAM, Sirius died. I didn't really know what to do after that.

And I don't know why Gary Oldman doesn't have a fan following, he totally did something for me in Bram Stoker's Dracula I mean, what?


brittanyksduh April 19 2011, 17:18:47 UTC
I know, right? I was all happy and liking Sirius until whups, death. I knew he died, I just thought it wasn't until Deathly Hallows. Damn.

How old is Harry in OotP? For some reason I have it in my head that he was seventeen.


picklesandtwigs April 19 2011, 19:55:24 UTC
In OOTP he's 15, a few months away from 16 at the end battle. It's kinda why I have issues shipping any of the student/adult relationships since the kids are near my age o.O


brittanyksduh April 19 2011, 22:35:36 UTC
See, that the student adult and age difference thing is exactly why I would ship them...but then I'm slightly depraved.

15 is still pushing it, though. I'll try to find fics where he's at LEAST a good way into 16. A small, but important, difference. XP


prue84 April 19 2011, 17:52:25 UTC
I suppose Harry/Sirius is a little pairing, like Lucius/Draco (which exist, believe me) because Weasely twins, which I don't ship, is... I don't know, seen less incest than father/son? I dunno, the slash fandom in Harry Potter is really odd, since there are Fenrir/Harry and Ron/Harry (WTF? They're like brothers!!!) and Harry/Hermione (same above). The biggest are Harry/Draco, which I love, and Sirius/Lupin.


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