day nine

May 31, 2008 22:14

note from earlier this morning:

I've been in south korea for nine days now and according to the scale I've lost seven pounds.  Seven pounds in nine days.  That's nuts.  And, I would think that it was because the altitude here is higher but I'm not comparing weight from back home.  I'm comparing myself to the weight I checked on the scale here on the ( Read more... )

blog, yellow sand, korea, work, weight, co-teachers

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Comments 3

ms_scarletibis May 31 2008, 21:15:17 UTC
Wow...that sounds like the most awesome diet ever. How tall are you? 155 is my ideal weight--anything lower is just insane (I'm 5'11" btw).


ms_scarletibis May 31 2008, 21:16:03 UTC
Also--if you have computer with internet, then you have tv. Check out or to stay updated on your fave shows :D


briochick June 1 2008, 00:08:53 UTC
I love your icons. They make me smile.
I'm a little taller than 5'5", like, 5'5 1/2" on a good day. But I'm naturaly stronger than most other girls ('tis why I did weight training in high school and Crew in college) and I have pretty thick bones. I used to have real issue in high school, thought I was so fat because of my weight, but looking back at the pictures now I can see I had nothing I should have been worried about. ;-p gotta love that high school mentality, huh?

Thanks for the websites. I'll definately check them out. :-D


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