day nine

May 31, 2008 22:14

note from earlier this morning:

I've been in south korea for nine days now and according to the scale I've lost seven pounds.  Seven pounds in nine days.  That's nuts.  And, I would think that it was because the altitude here is higher but I'm not comparing weight from back home.  I'm comparing myself to the weight I checked on the scale here on the first day I came (saw a workout room, saw a scale, couldn't resist).  ;-p can I keep loosing this fast?  Say, maybe for the next month or so? cuz lets say it's five and a half pounds a week.  times that by four, 22 lbs.  I'm 191.1 as the scale says (86.85 kg, I was 90 kg) than that would put me at my 'ideal' weight goal from the States.  Though, technically I think that in 9 days I've lost what should have been a whole month's worth of weight.  But then my entire lifestyle has been transformed by the changing of countries so maybe that explains it.  Though, honestly, I don't ever want to be thinner than 150 lbs or 68.2 kg.
Still, amazing.

so, yeah, that was good/interesting/slightly alarming with the weight thing.  Oh, went and bought some meat at the butchers, cow.  yeah, $27 for about three lbs but I don't think even that.  grrrr.  But let me tell you, I cooked some of it and it tastes WONDERFUL.  It might have actually been worth that exorbant amount.  Not that I'll be buying it again any time soon.

Still can't get money out of my card. still don't get paid for two weeks.

Spent most of the day wandering around outside or in my room.  It was a good day, relaxed.  Other people went places, some worked, the Koreans definately worked.  Apparently people were looking for me. De told people I was in Seoul because I'd said I was thinking of going.  Nice to know that she says stuff without verifying it.  If she'd asked Keena or Nichole they would have told her no, Lori's not in Seoul, we talked her out of going this weekend.  So, apparently some people were looking for me but no one thought to knock on my door.  Just as well, I needed the quite and the time to myself.

I'm tired now.  Tomorrow will be relitvely long.  I need to spend at least two hours making lesson plans for the next two weeks.  I have things pretty set up for this week, but I need to have more than ideas for the week after, because these first two weeks are realy important.

I saw Violet making flash cards and asked if I could help (since I'll probably be using them later) but she said no.  several times.  I was rather insistant.

What else?  walked further today, under the highway, and over to what looked like a temple of  some kind.  It had a big hindu (buhdist?) statue.  Maybe it was just the beginning of the park.  Behind it were fields of vines so I walked a way into those.  They're grape fields, but not anywhere near ripe yet.  Still it was nice to see. And after a bit of yellow sand gunk from china in the air yesterday the clear blue sky was welcome.

I let nichole use my skype.  I'm really glad she got to talk to her family.
Got a donut hole at dunkin donuts (yes, they have those here, though not many).  Got bread at the bread place (is a dollar fifty expensive?).  Everything here seems to be made at the store or shop, nearly everything is fresh.  Gardens all over.  It's rather amazing.  and, since i have two trashcans in my room I've decided when in korea to do like the koreans do and so now one is for biodegrable waste and the other for recyclables.

Not much else, hoping to go to an expat church tomorrow, or something like it.

i still think I talk too much.

I dreamed that I met president bush at southeast indiana university (does that even exist?).  I was trying to get my master's in English and had a tiny space behind the desk of the professor I was working under.  Somethign else too, and then it turned out that I had been in a coma for twenty years and my muscles were atrophied, and I was old and had missed all the chances to do things and my sister was grown and married and it was totally in the range of nightmare because I think that's about the worste thing that could happen, to miss your life like that.

Still no tv.

Mina wrote me, I'm happy about that.

I'm really sleepy.  so, yeah, going to sleep.
Later people. 

blog, yellow sand, korea, work, weight, co-teachers

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