day eight

May 30, 2008 11:18

Long day, started early, went to the bank and exchanged money for a friend, got the swift code for the bank.  Training meetings and then working on the mock class for the evaluation, and colaborating with my coteacher, lunch which wasn't because I didn't have the energy for cooking, still stressed about dad, more prep for monday, and teaching evaluation.  I did pretty good. *grin* so did nichole, and I thought Sarah and Linett were good too, though their styles are definately different than mine.  Finaly gave the bat and ball to the principal.  More preparing for monday.  Went out and got food, found out I can't get money from my cc at an atm because I don't know my card password (did I even set one up?  I'm so confused).  Dinner was some noodles in a spicy korean chilly soup with boiled egg, carrots, some sprouts (which I eventually picked out because I haven't been comfortable eating sprouts since I heard they're the most likely to carry poisonous bacteria.  give me a few more months and I'll be over it), squash, and some herb that was really potent.  Ate half of it, then had a little donught type thing.  Not as sweet, but very good.  Ate, then up to room to talk to mom, read some.  Yay, finaly some stories were updated (not talking about ub, who has been lovely in her updates, and in telling us if one will be late).  Now, shower, sleep, bed.  Find out tomorrow about dad's results, need to go shopping, bus system(?), find out about the cc, call friends.  no work, yay!

Oh, yeah, and helped Nichole make a video of the whole school.  That was really fun.

I know this is really short, but I'm realy worn out.  Today involved climbing the stairs a lot.

Night people!

Korea observations:

They have rose bushes everwhere
they apparently don't beleive in carpet.
they are very open 
they are honest, but don't like to insult or say no, so they can be very roundabout
they recycle EVERYTHING

blog, icc, korea, work, father, co-teachers

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