oh yeah!

Nov 03, 2007 16:42

Also, something to make this day good: two of my favorite stories were updated today, well, ok, one favorite and one that I liked but I'm glad it's over.  Right now I'm following Strawberry Fields, Forward to a Time Past, White Magic, and The Demon Within (which is hardly EVER updated but is well worth the wait when it is).  So, actually, only SF ( Read more... )

fanfictions, plans

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Comments 2

unbridled_b November 4 2007, 01:38:10 UTC
ROFL - Not forever. No, not quite forever. But I am glad to hear that you'll be following it regardless of its length. :P

Why have you decided not to read fanfiction anymore? No time?


briochick November 4 2007, 03:20:55 UTC
lol, yes, I'll be following it regardless of length. It's epic, and one should always follow epics until the end.

The reason I've decided not to read fanfiction anymore is because I find myself often comparing real life to it, and feeling disappointed. I think, with a lot of stuff that's gone on, that I've used fanfiction as a kind of alternate reality for me, where I don't have to deal with real life, and that's not a good thing. So, I've cut way back on the fanfiction reading, and intend to continue to do so. I want to be a person who actively, appropriately, and willingly engages in life's adventures (good and bad), and I feel that for me, as I am now, fanfiction is getting in the way of that. So, it has nothing to do with time, or with the quality or content of the writing, in fact I'm a very picky reader with very high standards so if you're one of my favorites you can be sure you're excellent, but it's something I have to do, for me. :-\ I hope that makes sense.


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