oh yeah!

Nov 03, 2007 16:42

Also, something to make this day good: two of my favorite stories were updated today, well, ok, one favorite and one that I liked but I'm glad it's over.  Right now I'm following Strawberry Fields, Forward to a Time Past, White Magic, and The Demon Within (which is hardly EVER updated but is well worth the wait when it is).  So, actually, only SF was updated today but I was very happy because DreamsofSpike who's writing White Magic wrote the final chapter in another story and it was a very hopeful and open ending.  I'm guessing SF and FtTP may go on forever, but I think that WM might have 15 more chapters and maybe 8 or 10 for TDW, but then TDW will probably take the longest to be completed.  Anyway, my intention is, after those four stories are completed, to stop reading fanfiction.  I've made a point not to really follow or become attached to any other stories for that very purpose.  Anway....I'm going now.  hasta luego.

fanfictions, plans

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