
Jul 11, 2008 01:55

Picture this:

The Man in Charge. Master of All He Surveys. The Chief. The Boss. The Big Man.

Agent Zed.

In his office at the heart of MiB HQ.

A good day. Quiet. Productive. The kind of day a man expects he'll be able to look back on with tremendous satisfaction.

Well, half a day, anyway....

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"Specially sanctioned by MiB Special Services....." bring_a_sponge July 22 2008, 03:50:42 UTC
There's a new row of lockers down in that special room in MIB Headquarters. They seem exactly like all the others, save the small panels on the front of each door which bear a very unusual set of letters: α, β, and γ.


Waiting for the crack future.


3rdtimelucky July 22 2008, 07:01:01 UTC
Goldy scratches her head at that nonsensical statement.

"I thought a claudication was a bad leg," she says.

"What are you talking about, hun?"


nita_callahan July 22 2008, 07:05:07 UTC
"Personal pocket of otherspace," she calls over the stall door. "Extradimensional, interstitial -- basically it's a little empty universe I can access and store things in."

Her blouse appears, hung over the top of the door, followed shortly by her slacks.


3rdtimelucky July 23 2008, 04:58:55 UTC
"Oh," Goldy replies, enlightened and enamored by the concept all at once.

"A bit like the Witching Cloak's holding properties," she recalls from Fable legend. "Very handy. I wouldn't mind one of those myself."


gammagammahey July 23 2008, 05:15:03 UTC
"Or a pocket universe. She has her own pocket universe actually in her pocket. Don't the locals get upset, Nita? You can't displace things into a pocket universe forever without it resonating and having a ripple effect elsewhere. Infinity and Eternity don't take kindly to that."

Jen, it will be noted, feels right at home. She does, after all, have a very special personal security device on her laptop.

"My laptop has a lock that will shunt any unfortunate would be thieves into the Crimson Cosmos, where they have to eat Hamburger Helper 24/7."


nita_callahan July 23 2008, 05:28:18 UTC
"Oh, no, it's not like it's infinite. And there are restrictions on it to keep the energy use reasonable -- nothing alive, no massive unstable reactive elements, stuff like that."

Pause, with significant rustlings.

". . . I'm gonna have to find some better shoes."


gammagammahey July 23 2008, 05:45:14 UTC
"Well, you never know when your pocket dimensional wallet has denizens suddenly wondering if someone's leaving around old issues of The New Yorker and pairs of shoes. Try leaving them symmetrical arrays."


3rdtimelucky July 23 2008, 05:48:31 UTC
Goldy chuckles at Jen's commentary, while looking down at the rather dowdy low-heeled dress shoes that came with her and Jen's MiB outfits.

"Tell us about it, Neats. Ankle boots would work much better. Michael Kors joker-style. Calfskin. Elastic gore. Only $460 from Neiman Marcus."

Whether that particular make would work better is debatable. She just wants a pair, and if MiB will pay for them, so much the better.


bring_a_sponge July 23 2008, 05:55:43 UTC
Zed turns toward K with a pained look. "Here it starts...."

K tries very hard to stifle a snicker, but can't quite make it.


nita_callahan July 23 2008, 06:02:08 UTC
"Um, yeah, maybe something that wouldn't bite into the college fund."

A few more rustlings, and Nita emerges from the stall, straightening her tie. "How do I look?"

There must be this said for the MiB suits: it's hard not to look sharp in them.


3rdtimelucky July 23 2008, 06:27:15 UTC
"Oh sweetheart," Goldy coos. "Functional yet fashionable footwear is what expense accounts were invented for."

She gives the teen-in-black an appraising once over.

"Not bad."

Her nose wrinkles a touch.

"The shirt and tie are going to have to go though. That look went out with Dietrich. It's just a teensy bit too butch for you."

Goldy and Jen never even put theirs on. They went with low cut silk blouses instead, which they just happened to bring along with them. Fortunate that.

"Don't worry. We'll get you into something more suitable before your first field assignment."


nita_callahan July 23 2008, 06:43:42 UTC
Cocking her head, Nita pulls a pair of sunglasses out of the jacket's inner pocket, slips them on, and examines the effect in the mirror.

"Marlene Dietrich? I can think of worse people to take style cues from."


gammagammahey July 24 2008, 04:03:33 UTC
"Dietrich is an admirable paragon. Although you might want to try a little Kate Hepburn on for size before you go for Weimar decadence."

She glances down at their shoes.

"Hmm. Kors. I could ask Janet Van Dyne to work us up something that could hopefully pass MiB regulations. Jan's got some fabrics that would put SHIELD and NASA to shame - tough as adamantium, flexible, and beautiful. Besides, who would say no to a pair of boots from the Winsome Wasp? Half of my wardrobe is Jan Van Dyne orignals. But," she clarifies, looking at each of them in turn, "We do make this look good."


3rdtimelucky July 24 2008, 04:16:33 UTC
Goldy reacts by striking a pose. Nothing too flamboyant, but still devastating enough to bring most men (and maybe some women) to their knees. And from it, she looks at Jen over the top of her Ray Bans.

"Was there ever any doubt that we would?"


gammagammahey July 24 2008, 04:23:52 UTC

Jen's answering grin betrays a certainty.

"We're going to be instrumental in mentoring. High standards are to be expected."

Dark green eyebrows are waggled at Goldy in a series of semaphores, which clearly say that once Zed and K are truly out of earshot and the girls are alone, they can immediately peruse the MiB codex and look for loopholes. Jen is very good at finding loopholes, but she also knows that the MiB run a tight ship.

"Speaking of which, Goldy, are you a Dolce & Gabbana or Yves St. Laurent girl?"

Yes, she knows that Zed and K can hear her.


3rdtimelucky July 24 2008, 04:46:55 UTC
"Neither," Goldy reveals. "I do Armani mostly."

She absently checks herself out in the mirror before she breaks posture.

"Which is not to say that I wouldn't like to check out some Van Dyne. You've got adorable taste, so I trust your judgment on such things. And, hey, maybe she could fix us up some skirts to go with this outfit, as well as boots."

Goldy, too, is very aware that the MiB's are listening.


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